survey of boredom.

Jan 26, 2009 17:16

1. Outfit?: White nightgown, warm socks, button-down sweater I stole from Dad's wardrobe.
2. Hairstyle?: You're kidding, right? My wig's on, yeah.
3. Jewelry?: Mom's cameo. My comm, if you want to count it as "jewelry."
4. Underwear?: Yes.
5. Nail color?: Black. It's starting to chip.

Do you?:

6. Cut yourself?: No.
7. Whine a lot?: Yeah.
8. Yell a lot?: Only when I have to.
9. Hate a lot of people?: Just a few in particular.
10. Have too many friends?: I love the friends I have.
11. Want to die?: It all depends on how much pain I'm in.
12. Do drugs?: Only prescription.
13. Wear dark colors?: A majority of the time.
14. Dye your hair?: Really now.
15. Shave strange places?: I'm not going to answer that.

Last person?:

16. You touched?: Dad.
17. You yelled at?: Probably Dad.
18. You talked to?: Dad.
19. You hugged?: Dad.
20. You instant messaged?: Robber.
21. Who broke your heart?: ...Yeah, about that.

Are You:

22. Understanding?:
23. Open-minded?: Yes.
24. Insecure?: Yes.
25. Interesting?: I don't really know.
26. Hungry?: Not right now. I had toast.
27. Intelligent?: I like to read.
28. Moody?: Yes.
29. Childish?: I try not to be.
30. Independent?: Trying.
31. Hard working?: Not really.
32. Healthy?: Hah. Right.
33. Shy?: Yes.
34. Difficult?: When I have to be.
35. Attractive?: Are you kidding me?
36. Bored easily?: Yes.
37. Thirsty?: I've got water. I'm fine.
38. Obsessive?: Yes.
39. Angry?: All the time.
40. Sad?: All the time.
41. Happy?: Only when I'm with my friends.
42. Trusting?: Lately? Not so much.
43. Sick?: Every day of my life.
44. Talkative?: It all depends.
45. Ignored?: Sometimes certain people don't like listening to me.
46. Reliable?: Not really.
47. Sleepy?: Most of the time.
48. Lonely?: All of the time.


55. What is your favorite band?: The Beatles, The Sex Pistols, The Ramones.
56. Color?: Black.
57. Soda?: I don't like soda.
58. Music?: Anything loud.
59. Stores in the mall?: I don't go shopping.
60. Ice cream?: Vanilla.
61. Candy?: I don't really like candy.
62. Juice?: Apple juice.
63. Holiday?: Christmas.
64. Month?: All of them are the same to me.

In the last 48 hours:

65. Cried?: Yes.
66. Missed someone?: Yes.
67. Yelled at someone?: No.
68. Changed your underwear?: Yes.
69. Drove somewhere?: No. I don't think Dad will ever let me drive.
70. Talked to someone on the phone?: Yes.
71. Been online?: Yes.
72. Smiled?: A little.
73. Had sex?: I wish.
74. Hugged someone?: Yes.
75. Last thing you ate?: Toast.
76. Talked to an ugly person?: No. But what is the proper definition of "ugly" anyway?

Have you ever?:

77. Been in love?: I think so.
78. Kissed someone of the same sex?: No.
79. Been in trouble with the police?: ...You could say that.
80. Hit someone?: Yes. It hurt me more.
81. Broke something?: Yes.
82. Betrayed a friend?: No.
83. Played strip poker?: No.
84. Skipped school?: Homeschooling?
85. Stole something?: Yes.
86. Shot a gun?: No.
87. Broke something important?: Yes.
88. Dyed your hair?: Again with the hair questions...

Last questions:

89. What is sitting next to you?: My diary. A blanket. The nightstand with everything on it.
90. Do you get along with your mother?: ...Yeah, about that.
91. Favorite sport?: I don't like sports.
92. Are you gay/lesbian/bi/straight?: I don't know. I like boys.
93. Been in a plane?: No.
94. Killed someone?: Not directly.
95. Kicked your cat for the hell of it?: I don't have a cat.
96. Slept during class?: Homeschooling?
97. Cheated on a test?: No.
98. Are you bored of taking this survey?: Yes.
99. What time is it?: Time for a nap, I guess. Nothing else to do.


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