
Oct 25, 2005 20:15

I love God he is sooo amazing but here is question do you?? I mean do you say you know him and yet you have no buring passion to see him? Do you turn the other cheek and takr a smoke of weed and then turn back and sing worship songs? Do you believe in God and still look at the other options??? You love God and yet you make no effort to make him ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

movintoofast October 26 2005, 00:36:45 UTC
yay for singing AIDA. we basically are amazing. hahah


sweetgal15 November 1 2005, 01:04:03 UTC
obviosly, you and I are the bomb like who else black and white and belting for the sexiness of the world heck ya


pavylcalq February 16 2013, 20:37:37 UTC
Login to see sexy locals Go Here dld.bz/chwZR


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