Reply to this post, and I'll tell you one / a lot of reason[s] why I like/love/adore/hate/loathe/don't think of at all you. Then put this in your own journal, and spread the love.
Eventhough I have never met you, I feel like i know you. I admire the kind of gentleman you are to your family and friends, and I also admire you for you continuation with music, and the part it plays in your life. I hope we can meet someday, hopefully at disney world.
Ilze. Though you are a bit younger than I, I feel you have the maturity of someone my age, maybe a little older. But your quizzes and surveys annoy the shit outta me :) Also, don't worry about boys so much, you don't want to end up like me.
You have quickly become one of my closest and most trusted friends. You are one of the few people I could tell ANYTHING to. I value you your opinion, and your honesty with me. I wish we could see each other more, and I wish that 2006 turns out to be an awesome year for us both...we need it.
Comments 10
PS-you're cute.
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