what you always wanted to know....

Dec 07, 2005 12:33

Reply to this post, and I'll tell you one / a lot of reason[s] why I like/love/adore/hate/loathe/don't think of at all you. Then put this in your own journal, and spread the love.

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Comments 10

jeremyleff December 7 2005, 18:09:22 UTC
Good times!


sweetheartbecky December 8 2005, 22:42:31 UTC
Eventhough I have never met you, I feel like i know you. I admire the kind of gentleman you are to your family and friends, and I also admire you for you continuation with music, and the part it plays in your life. I hope we can meet someday, hopefully at disney world.


ilzelovesrent December 7 2005, 19:57:43 UTC


sweetheartbecky December 8 2005, 22:45:06 UTC
Ilze. Though you are a bit younger than I, I feel you have the maturity of someone my age, maybe a little older. But your quizzes and surveys annoy the shit outta me :) Also, don't worry about boys so much, you don't want to end up like me.


ickletarakins December 7 2005, 20:14:55 UTC
moi, please


sweetheartbecky December 8 2005, 22:47:26 UTC
You have quickly become one of my closest and most trusted friends. You are one of the few people I could tell ANYTHING to. I value you your opinion, and your honesty with me. I wish we could see each other more, and I wish that 2006 turns out to be an awesome year for us both...we need it.


denisd December 8 2005, 04:23:28 UTC
Wheres the love?


sweetheartbecky December 8 2005, 22:48:40 UTC
If only we got to see more of each other, I think we would have hit it off pretty well. You need to move back home to NY permenantly.

PS-you're cute.


denisd December 9 2005, 15:25:12 UTC
Yea I miss NY :( hopefully Ill move back in the spring.


meeza January 21 2006, 03:01:09 UTC
ooh ooh me too! me too!


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