Comment with "Come at me, bro," and:
- I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
- Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
- Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
Here are my questions from, um, what should I call you now? Sailing? LOL
1. What is your favorite moment or chapter in all of the HP series?
Oh man, there are so many! Most of them come from DH (the forest scene, Snape's memories, Ron and Hermione FINALLY kissing), but the one that means the most to me is back in PoA when we find out that Scabbers is actually Peter Pettigrew. I chose that because that was my "holy shit" moment when I realized that everything was related. This wasn't just a series of books where the main character was going to do the same kind of thing over and over, everything MEANT something and would show up later and affect the story in ways I couldn't imagine. That's when I knew I was in for an amazing ride.
2. If you had a Mirror of Erised what would it show?
My children as happy, healthy adults with families of their own.
3. What five places would you want to visit right now?
a. St. Lucia because that's where we went for our honeymoon and I loved it.
b. Hawaii just because.
c. California so I could visit a very good friend of mine that I haven't seen in over 3 years.
d. England so I could listen to everyone with a stupid grin on my face because I love British accents.
e. Egypt to see the pyramids.
4. What are your five biggest pet peeves?
a. rudeness
b. bigotry
c. bad grammar (double negatives drive me INSANE)
d. habitually being late
e. excessive use of text language (i no u no wat i mean)
5. What is something your LJ family would find surprising about you?
Well, I don't have much of an LJ family, LOL, but maybe that I used to smoke a lot of dope when I was younger? My boyfriend at the time was a heavy user and he never forced me to, but I was not a very strong person back then and caved to peer pressure quite easily. It was fun at the time, sure, but I really miss those brain cells sometimes. I hate when I'm talking and ... um...*blinks*...what was I saying again?