Title: Celebrate The Weekend
sweetiejellyRating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Characters/world not mine.
Characters/Pairings: Quinn, Judy, Puck, Mercedes, Santana/Brittany (background/implied)
Word Count: 1667
Warnings: None
Summary: This could be me, she always thinks, when she reads about misspent youths.
Notes: Written for
wishlist_fic 2013 for
teaandhoney's prompt: Quinn dealing
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Comments 2
I adored the cat-bear (that Lord Tubbington will probably eat). And your heart breaking line about how Puck is only now turning into the man she can see being the Father to her daughter. I felt so much for Quinn so many times: from the beginning hearing her Mother cry in the shower, to very steadily not thinking about Beth so that she can do something as simple as pour milk, and then the bit about biographies...ooohhhh.
I can only say thank you so very much for the wonderful, funny, melancholy, hopeful fic.
Thank you for the sweet comment and for the prompt in the first place! I'm so glad this fill was okay. <3
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