It was leaps and bounds better than last year's premiere. I know I'm in the minority with that one, but I really disliked "Lazarus Rising" and I still do. I remember feeling SO disappointed at the end of the episode, and that feeling kinda stuck around all season. I feel much differently about S5's premiere, "Sympathy For the Devil".
I feel like the writers get excited using words like "douche" and "dicks" because they're the closest to expletetives that they're going to get on The CW. It's getting kind of old. The jabs are no longer amusing. C'mon, Dean, come up with something more clever.
Chuck, on the other hand, is made of PURE WIN. His character rocks. The actor rocks. Everything he says amuses me. KEEP THIS CHARACTER AROUND FOREVER, PLS.
The fangirl was hilarious. I just hope they don't drag it out too much. It was funny in the book episode (jeez, a summer goes by and I forget all the titles) and it was funny in this episode, but I feel like it has the potential to get shoved down our throats. Let's hope that doesn't happen.
Mark Pellegrino was great! I was so excited to hear that he was playing Lucifer. He's been popping up in all of my favorite shows lately. I first saw him on Dexter, then LOST, and now SPN. Yay! He's going to be epic.
CAS! Very happy to see him alive and kicking butt. And with touseled hair! More win!
Poor Sam. I can't help but feel sympathy for him. I totally get why Dean is pissed (though, I was slightly annoyed at his "stop bringing it up, it's fine!" and then going off making snide remarks at the end... but I guess that's Dean). The ending was very sad, but I feel like they WILL be brothers again. They have to be, right? Otherwise... ugh, totally depressing.
Can't wait for tomorrow night. JO!!!!!!!!