TV show babble

Sep 18, 2009 18:22

First of all, "Vampire Diaries" is LAME LAME LAME. It is PURE SUCK. Typical CW teeny-bopper rubbish.

Moving on...

Even with all the awesome guest stars, 5x02 still managed to be pretty lackluster, IMO. The "hallucinating demons" storyline was clever but its execution kind of bored me. And can we just talk about the Dean/Jo scene for a moment? OH WAIT. WHAT DEAN/JO SCENE. I guess I'm referring to that .000001 second scene of them saying hello to one another (which, okay, the awkwardness between them was kind of adorable) but THAT WAS IT. I wasn't expecting much; the writers are too cowardly to go there with them. But STILL. Grrrr, I'm pissed. Alona better come back because her storyline was far from wrapped up.

It was good to see Ellen back (did she look younger to anyone else?). Also, I didn't realize Rufus was the Mr. X guy from X-Files. Very cool to see him kicking butt again.

The Sam/Dean drama is boring me as well. I think they should just get over it. I know, I know, Sam pretty much destroyed the world and betrayed Dean and has demon blood in him, etc. And Dean suffered in Hell and has angel issues and can't trust Sam ever again. But they should just move on. Because I said so.

No Chuck? FAIL. Castiel's flatbread comment amused me. Bobby is sort of getting on my nerves lately. (I don't know why.) Vampire Diaries needs to die a horrible death.

The End.

supernatural, tv, episode reviews

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