What is love? much time do you have?
Name 3 things you feel very passionate about: - friends, camp, love
Does fire fascinate you? - haha yesss
Do you have a short temper? - not really
Are you very warm hearted? -usually
Do you feel intense emotions? - yep. probably too intense.
Are you bright? - well i dont glow or anything..actually sometimes...
Is vibrancy a good characteristic to have? - Yep
Are you rich in self-confidence? - i go thru phases
Are you rich in vitamin c? - probably not
Are you a very happy person? - sometimes
Do you like the sun? - love it
Do you ever feel utter and complete joy? - yep
Do you feel like the volume in your life is all the way up? every once in awhile
Do you feel warm inside when you hug people? - mmm definitely
Are you incredibly lucky? - actually, yes.
Are you easy going? -i wish i was
Are you very mischievous? - at times
Are you very lusty/sexy? i am a sex machine. jk. i dunno you tell me
Ever find a four-leafed clover? - nuh uh
Are you fresh like mint? - pshh you know it
Does nature speak to you? - Britta what are you talking about? seriously. i have no idea. explain. (and yes it does)
Do you love to look at water? - definitely...mmm the falls at camp
Are you calm/relaxed? - yeah
Is it very difficult to upset you? - depends who you are
Are you at peace? - at the moment
Are you comforting? - so ive been told
Are you well balanced? - not really
Are you content? - right now i am
Are you royalty? -PRINCESS MIA!
Are you very free spirited? - definitely
Are you conceited? - a little
Do you have a passion for indulgence? - yeah
Are you a grape? uhm no more fruit
Are you a purple horseshoe? - not the last time i checked
Are you less than intense? - never
Are you incredibly feminine? - most of the time.
Do you absorb everything possible? - actually yeah
Are you incredibly energetic? -when i want to be
Are you expensive? -if i want to be
Are you worth it? - most definitely