This semester...

Dec 17, 2005 20:24

Oh boy, I can't believe it is over...seriously. Wow. Very fun, I must say. I have accomplished some stuff, and maybe not all that happened as I expected, but there were still some good moments and memories.

Fall 2005
-I ran a marathon (4 hours and 3 mins, not too bad!) It was a really fun trip. We got to chill in Chicago, and I can say I ran 26.2 miles

-I learned how to box (although I lost my bout, I hear it was really close!)

-I learned how to use Adobe Illustrator, and the pen tool is my friend!

-I witnessed one of the best and worst moments in college football history...the USC-ND game. When ND came out in the green uniforms...I can't even describe it! And when the clock ran out and we thought we won....soooo exciting. And then how the game ended and the controversy following...SOOOO BADDD. But the candlelight dinner afterwards was supurb!

-Just hanging out in our common room...I can never get any work done there, but it's always a fun time!

-My birthday party...seriously, one of the most fun nights of the semester!

-Just hanging out in the Otter room and witnessing all the crazy antics of its residents

-I also had experiences that I will not detail here...sorry, guys

-playing on God Quad with Bethany, Rob, and Mary...twas a fun evening

-I got pushed-up at every football was sweet. Not to mention the fact that we were awesome this year

-The few times I made it to the Quint, when people were just hanging out dancing

-Playing DDR with spiderman

-Dancing in my room...always (before I go to bed, with Bethany as we act out our day in interpretive dance, or even with the guys from St. Ed's)

-Making fun of Dolu's heritage

-The song "Come on Eileen"

-I made a flash video, although not as good as I hoped (had some technical difficulties)

-Going to see Harry Potter the night it opened (with like, half the school)

-Putting my face in Katherine's jacket

-Game watches on the quads

-running through stonehenge after the Michigan game

-Game watches in our room and the crazy cheers

-Moshing at drummer's circle...yeah, we were those people

-Bethany and I bringing our special drinks with us to drummer's circle

-late dinners with Susie

-lunchtime "what is my worst feature" discussion (I am a bitch, by the way)

-the guy at the dining hall who stood up on the tables and said that famous football speech

-drunk jenga (and then later Joe just writing shit on them and giving them to people to do)

-WVFI radio show!

-beer pong Downtown, on occasion

-Punching Rory in the face at lunch

-Caitlin's "secret" (aka, that boy) and us never seeing her sleep

-long runs with Scott

-Abnormal psych...probably one of the best classes ever

-Winning in the first round of the dining hall beer pong tourney...and then losing to Mary and her partner in the next round

-So many awkward moments...

-I took a campus tour!

-I checked out books from the library for the first time ever in college

-Singing/dancing along with the movie "Grease"

-decorating for Halloween and Christmas (buying our tree!!)

-reading the observer at lunch

ok, my thoughts escape me. I'm sure I will think of more later. Maybe next semester I will update the ole' LJ more often...
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