Writing Survey for Class

May 31, 2008 15:44

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Comments 23

inaliel June 3 2008, 18:23:29 UTC
Hey, I saw your post on college_help, and figured that since I have nothing else to do, I'd help you out. :)

1.) Sometimes, yes.
2.) I tend to ramble on either in LiveJournal or my personal paper journal. It's sort of like stream-of-consciousness writing, with some song lyrics (not my creations--I toy around with existing song lyrics) thrown in.
3.) Whenever I feel the need to. There's no real...schedule for it.
4.) For the most part, yes, but sometimes it's really random things like "do dogs have a dominant paw like humans have a dominant hand?"
5.) Sometimes, yes.
6.) Just my LJ.
7.) Nope.
8.) Both.
9.) It depends where I am...if I can't get to LJ, I write in my paper journal, but if I'm at a computer I tend to leave the "post entry" page open and write as the words come to me.
10.) It's definitely not for everyone.
11.) It works insofar as it allows me to get my thoughts on paper (or "paper" in the case of LJ). It doesn't help me to solve any of the problems that are bothering me, though.


sweetrevenge418 June 3 2008, 18:53:04 UTC
Thank you so much!


inaliel June 3 2008, 18:54:04 UTC
no problem, let me know if you need anything else!


anonymous June 3 2008, 19:25:53 UTC
Also saw your post at college_help, and I'm bored at the moment.

1) Yes, most definitely.
2) Journaling, blogging.
3) Once a day to every few days.
4) Yeah, I'm pretty explicit about it.
5) Yup, although my stress-relief entries aren't ever public.
6) LJ forever!
7) No.
8) Online blogs.
9) Because I can type faster than I can write with pen and paper.
10) Yeah.
11) Effective enough to feel better after writing, but maybe not so much as actually going out and physically doing something else (playing a musical instrument, taking a walk, shopping, etc.).

Good luck in your class!


sweetrevenge418 June 3 2008, 19:34:47 UTC
Thank you!


crescentwishes June 3 2008, 20:33:57 UTC
Saw this in college_help and I've got some time to kill. :)

1) It's one of my lifelines, so yes.
2) Mostly poetry, but I dip into prose as well. If I'm feeling ambitious, I'll start writing a story (but I almost never finish.)
3) Whenever I'm stressed, which has been a lot lately.
4) Yep!
5) Not really. Pen and paper is classic.
6) If I do, I'll just use LJ.
7) Nope!
8) As I said, pen and paper. :)
9) I'm silly about this, but: I think it's the way things should be written. I'll type out some stuff on Microsoft Works but if I can, I'll write it on a piece of loose leaf.
10) I already have! :]
11) It's amazing. To be able to get it "out" of my head makes a world of difference!


sweetrevenge418 June 4 2008, 03:37:56 UTC
Thank you!


getlucky_1 June 3 2008, 20:37:40 UTC
1. Yes.
2. In the past- it was always fictional stories, sometimes poetry (<-- This is my preferred method for writing due to stress, but I have writer's block so I haven't done it in a while). Now it's all just real life stuff written into the journal ( ... )


sweetrevenge418 June 4 2008, 03:38:29 UTC
Thank you!


another from college_help firefly0489 June 3 2008, 22:10:58 UTC
1.) Do you use writing as a method of stress relief? always
2.) If so, what type of writing do you take part in to relieve stress? (Fictional, journal-like, poetry, lyrics) if i'm feeling inspired, i'll write a song or poetry, but most of the time, it's just venting in the journal i keep on my mac.
3.) How often do you write to relieve stress? every time :)
4.) Does your writing tend to reflect the things that have been causing stress? sometimes.
5.) Do you use internet blogs when writing? not when relieving stress, because a lot of the times, i like to keep it to myself, or it's no one else's business
6.) If so, what communities do you write in? (Myspace, Facebook, Livejournal, Blogger, Xanga, etc.)
7.) Do you know of any other writing communities that you would like to recommend? nope :)
8.) When writing for stress relief, do you prefer to use online blogs, or pen and paper? it depends on my resources... if i'm locking myself in my room, i'll use my mac, otherwise, old school pen & paper works just fine ( ... )


Re: another from college_help sweetrevenge418 June 4 2008, 03:38:39 UTC
Thank You!


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