A is for age: 19
B is for boyfriend: i hope not
C is for career: Full-time college Student
D is for dad's name: Daniel
E is for essential item to bring on an airplane: CD's and CD Player
F is for favorite song at the moment: "Do You Believe in Magic?" just watched AP
G is for girlfriend: Nope
H is for hometown: Leominster, Massachusetts
I is for instruments you play(ed): I used to play the flute
J is for jam or jelly you like: Jelly
K is for kids: ...
L is for living arrangements: Dorm with three roommates
M is for Mom's Name: Lorene
N is for name of your best friend: Male: Sam Female: Krystle
O is for overnight hospital stays: When i was born
P is for phobia[s]: Heights.
Q is for quote you like: I'm here to kick ass and chew gum...and im all out of gum!
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: What relationship?!
S is for sexual position: ...
T is for time you wake up: Depends on when I have class
U is for unique trait: funny
V is for vegetable you love: brussel sprouts
W is for worst habit: biting teh nails
X is for x-rays you've had: never had one
Y is for yummy food you make: anything chinese
Z is for zodiac sign: virgo
EDIT: The female best friend name has been replaced!!!