this was one of the one and only SARAH DEFERARRI `s lj from february, and i liked it. so everyone read it, its good.....
so kelsey totally has me reminiscing here
the good old days where the only times you ever got in fights were over broken toys or not sharing.. there was no drama, you didnt like boys yet so EVERYBODY was your friend.. and if you hung out with a boy all day no one thought that you liked him... you could do whatever you wanted because hey, you were a little kid, with just one smile you could get almost any adult to give you anything
you had incredible amounts of energy, alwasy moving, you could make stupid simple things seem so awesome and so much fun ... there was no bad language or "drama" no bitches skanks and whores.. guys didnt break your hearts .. i mean sure they had cooties and everything, but it wasnt like you were trying to get their attention...
nothing bothered you.. get a cut or scrape and you cry for about a minute then forget that it is even there and just go back to whatever you were doing
you didnt feel left out or mad about anything that you could be misisng, because you didnt know about most of the things you know now... hell your parents mostly set up the times that you played with your friends, it was like "okay sarah today your going to go here and have fun and play with her"
the only major issue was when playign dress up who got to wear what outfits, and who got to marry which hanson brother... and occasionally the drama of your sister borrowing your barbie convertable, or misplacing your favorite barbie outfit... and of course choosing just which barbies to bring to your friends house
and of course my whole stuffed animal controversy, i had about 26 i think, and they ALL had to sleep with me, or their feelins would be hurt, and that went on for about a year before my mom threw most of them away
never fought with your parents, they were your heros, you looked up to them, your sister still did pull your hair, but you loved her anyway because hey, in 5 minutes you would forget that she was ever even mean to you
vacations were even so much more fun, because you could just go up to random people and talk to them and they didnt care, you didnt have to worry about cleaning your room before you left, packing your clothes, and making sure that you have an outfit for every occasion, you kno.. "just in case this happens"