What's in your wallet? some cash and credit card
What's under your bed? Nothing
What's on that way top shelf or in the very far back of your closet? things I wouldn't want anyone else to see
What's in your underwear drawer? lots and lots of underwear
What's in the trunk of your car? ginger ale
What's in your desk or locker? pens, pencils, and paper
Do you have a super-secret hiding place and what's in it? Nope.
Do you feel guilty about something right now, if yes what? food.
What is the most embarrassing thing in your room right now? just medicine
Have you done something recently you hope no one finds out about? nah.
What is your last thought before you fall asleep? sex
How long have those leftovers been in the fridge? don't have any
If I confiscated your computer and took a look around....what would I find? lots of stupid websites, shitty music, and maybe some obscene videos
Do you sleep with anything? my pitbull and a teddy bear... I'm a big kid.
What is your midnight snack weakness? wheat thins
Have you ever you shop lifted? Never
Have you ever vandalized anything? Never ever
Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? if it is an innuendo
What do you wait until no one is looking to do? pick out wedgies
Have you told the truth in this survey? yes
My ex... is a jerk, of course.
Maybe I should... go to sleep soon
I love... ice cream
People would say that i'm... too nice
I don't understand... some people
When i wake up in the morning... I just want to stay asleep
I lost... weight
Life is full of... lots of ups and downs!
My past is... in the past
I get annoyed when... ugly girls think they're better looking than everyone else
Parties are... not for me.
I wish... I were done with school
Dogs... are soo cute <3
Cats... are not so cute.. mine is crazy.
Tomorrow... I have to go to Maryland
I have low tolerance... alcohol wise.
If I had a million dollars... I'd invest it.
I'm totally terrified... of needles