The TV aerial doesn't work, we can't work the boiler, the hot water is tepid, the floor is freezing, the garden's a mess, the drain is blocked, the walls are masonary so we can't hang clocks/mirrors/pictures, the upstairs neighbours are bell-ends who took our recycling, we don't have a tumble dryer as promised, the agents are unhelpful lying cunts, loads of the Landlord's shit is still hanging around, the damp is hidden behind our bedroom drawers so we have to fill them with air fresheners, the doors either hang open or close shut and never ajar, the bath is tiny, the front and back door are hella drafty, the grill is pathetic, we can't dry our washing.
I can't sleep at all. I was awake for at least three and a half hours last night. The cats are noisy and because there's no separate hallway it travels directly to me, as my head is right next to the bedroom door. This can't be helped - hopefully I'll get used to it and their body clock will change once they start going outside. But the smell of their morning poops wafts straight to me and it's horrid. But mostly I'm terrified about someone breaking in. We've gone from somewhere very secure, on the 2nd floor (3rd floor to the US) and in a very bright and safe area, to a basement flat with much window access in a slightly more dodgy and certainly more secluded and dark area. All it would take is a brick in the window and ta-da, access for someone to come in and set the cats on fire (this is seriously the kind of thing I worry about). We have an alarm but can't use it because the cats would set it off. :(
So basically I hate it. Loathe it. Nothing works and I'm exhausted and I wish we hadn't left the old flat.
But the cats are super excited to go and play in the garden. Vince is spending every minute staring out the window. I've bought a bird feeder to put up so she has something to watch.
I'm seriously considering getting a dog to cope with the security issue (also because I'm desperate for a dog but that was something we were going to wait on). I'm concerned that the flat and garden mightn't be big enough, even if we only got something wee like a beagle (and omg I totally would because I love them). Plus I don't want the cats to take issue with it and go permanantly into hiding. So I don't know what to do.
Aside from that, my father's estate has sold, the money's coming and I bought a laptop. Until we have internet at home, it's for playing Sims 2 at the right speed for the first time ever.