
Apr 28, 2015 21:54

I want to thank everyone that replied to my last post! (i.e. the job dilemma issue)

I really did appreciate your thoughts and opinions, so very much. I made my decision this weekend and am staying with Job #1. Little bit less pay, but lots more benefits. not just the porn. :) really, it's not *all* about the porn.Today was my Monday and I came ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

maevebran April 29 2015, 03:25:58 UTC
Yay!! It is so good to hear you have found a job that makes you happy. Hugs. =)


sweptawaybayou April 29 2015, 03:39:45 UTC
*twirls you*

**hugs back**


tabaqui April 29 2015, 03:45:47 UTC
So glad this job makes you happy. :)
*twirls you around and around*

Start with *arty* fandom pics. You know, pretty black and whites and things. Ease them into it gently. :)

Like my icon! Black and white. Arty.


sweptawaybayou April 29 2015, 03:50:55 UTC

i do need a copy of that on paper. it would make a lovely statement on my wall. :D




tabaqui April 29 2015, 03:54:27 UTC
Wouldn't it just. :)


rodabug April 29 2015, 22:04:17 UTC
I worked my last day at the bakery last Saturday. I am now currently looking for a job, and although there have been some promising positions available in the area for a Bakery Manager or a Bakery/Deli Director, I'm really thinking toward a job with little to no stress. There's so much to be said for a job that you can go in, not be overly stressed, and go home-not taking any work with you. It sounds like you have found that job. I envy you. Good luck with it!


katleept May 1 2015, 05:41:16 UTC
Honey, if you've got a job where you actually feel like doing all of that after you come home, hang onto it!!


lostakasha May 7 2015, 23:48:46 UTC
I know I'm late with this but I so rarely come to LJ anymore! Congratulations - you don't just deserve a job that makes you happy, puts decent cash in your pocket, and that doesn't leave you a shell of your former self -- that's sorta basic - but the fact that this is the first time you've had all of this in a long time testifies to how fucking hard you've had to work just to stay upright. YOU ARE MAGNIFICENT. We luff you so...


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