Title: Little Threads
naushikaRating: R
Spoilers: Up to and including The Long Goodbye.
krisrussel, whose prompt was "John and Elizabeth wake up naked in bed next to each other and are sure they went to their respective rooms the night before. What happened?"
A/N: I'm so very sorry this is late! I moved a thousand miles across the country partway
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Comments 11
in character. Also your entire Atlantis family was so well written. Your Beckett was right on and your Mckay just as irritating as he is on the show. You are right when you say you hope you never stop writing them because the truth is you do create beautiful and heartfelt Atlantians that are so easy to become addicted to. Well done take a bow...If only tptb had realized what you and I do that Sheppard and Weir were the true magic behind what made SGA so successful.
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