Title: At the End of a 100-Year Path
vitawash24, for
Pairing/Rating: Thorpe/Hackett, NC-17
Disclaimer: So not true, not even a little bit. Pity.
Notes: It's vacation time. Prompts were a siesta and skinny-dipping at night in a local body of water, and Ian's not allowed to top. Special thanks to
sodiumlight for the beta goodness. The inn where Grant and
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Comments 8
Great job!
And so glad you had Ian back to blonde! *grin*
I absolutely loved this. I'm always happy to see Ian in any sort of emotional agony, and the way you characterized Grant - he was a perfect counterpoint to Ian.
This part was particularly poignant:
Ian closed his eyes and floated on his back, and mused to himself that what he really hated was being completely alone in the water, without even a coach to guide him. Maybe that was a metaphor for his life, or maybe it was just that quiet, internal awareness of what the water could do.
And the sex...I know you were having some difficulties with it, but believe me, it didn't show. Definitely one of my favorite sex scenes, ever. And of course Ian couldn't top; you were writing for horizon_greene, after all :P
Then, the way it all wrapped up in the end was perfect, the last line especially.
Thank you for writing such a thoughtful, satisfying piece.
*bounces off to read more fics*
I just love this pairing and wish there were more people who wrote it.
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