As much as I love it here, i wish that I were going home for Thanksgiving. I know that going to Nonnie (my grandmother's) house will be and I'm comfortable in their house - I really want to see my friends from home. In the past 24 hours 2 of my friends from home have asked if and when I'll be there for Thanksgiving and I've had to tell them that I
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So I'm registered for next semester and I'm like 90% sure this is going to be final other than perhaps multi-variable calc might have to go. Anyways I'm taking Bio 120 Genetics, Evolution and something else (intro bio). This actually isn't required if I decide to major in Biochem, but its a prereq for some of the upper level bio classes that I'm
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The amendment concerning gay marriage that Texas just passed: House Joint Resolution Number 6, also known as the "Texas Marriage Amendment," is a proposed constitutional amendment defining marriage as being only between one man and one woman. The text of the resolution which passed the Texas House and Senate in early 2005 is as follows: ( Texas Amendment and my problems with it )
Gah, today I'm ashamed to be from Texas. We passed the amendment to the Texas Constitution outlawing all forms of gay marriage and taking away pretty might any legal distinction to same sex couples. and Midland passed it with 95% of the vote. I'm ashamed, I really am. Gay marriages were ALREADY outlawed in Texas so it was completely unnecessary
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I'm home and bored so I thought I would bless the lj community with yet another series of musings. First and foremost I would like to say, I love swimming and I love the swim team and I wouldn't want to give it up ever. However, in the past few weeks I've been haunted by a few lousy workouts and a lousy meet which makes me question myself and my
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I'm home for fall break so I thought I would muse a little on life, love and stuff in general. It's really strange to be home now. In so many ways, nothing has changed at all. Midland still looks the same, feels the same, and gives me a sense of saftey and security. In other ways things are completely different. My old high school is different
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So i have a bio-midtermish thing tomorrow right before fall break. I probably should be studying right now, but i spend the better part of today from like 11-2:30 studying and I'm meeting people at 7 to study some more so I feel like I desreve to waste my time on the internet. I don't think this will be a real and actual and complete update b/c I
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Susan Sto Helit You scored 91 intelligence, 63 morality, and 58 physical strengenth! As Death's granddaughter (a long story, which you greatly dislike), you
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I know that all of you who are reading this from back home must think that I've gone up to Oberlin and gone insane in developing a new and dangerous obsession with...SWING DANCING. Last Saturday I went to Detroit and got to participate in one of the dances that were help there as part of a weekend long dance event including workshops and dances
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