Oct 04, 2003 13:45
Cyn I luff you so much!
I was origanally saving up to buy the Smiley from you for my gallery and.....
New event Item
(ramblingangel has given you smiley...)
Omg it looks so awesome in my gallery:) I will luff it for ever:) I hope you enjoy the green slorg plushie i sent over:)
Oct 03, 2003 17:01
I have been having a really good day on neo first the 10k and avatar from the wheel now...
Something Has Happened
You find a piece of the secret laboratory map!
Oct 03, 2003 15:39
WOW!!! - You win 10,000 Neopoints!!!
Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Wheel of Excitement' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
This is so awesome I have really wnated this avatar for a long time:) *dances*
Okay i am seriously going to start using my lj, but i need a layout
Aug 26, 2003 10:11
Joey, me, and Viper, made a really cool guild yesterday called Grey Faerie, we already have 6 members, and a kick ass layout, logo, and website!
If anyone would like to join please look up zohan12 and join, you will love it there!
We are having so much fun with it, it is going to kick butt!
Aug 25, 2003 19:26
I would like to thank Joey (tigerzi) who kindly donated a water faerie snowglobe ot my gallery, and kindly bought me an island, cloud, and checkered kiko plushie:) Thankies!
Wishie: Would die for a Faerie Kiko Plushie
Aug 25, 2003 19:25
I am on council in this guild! it is run by Cheryl, Brooke, and I. I am loooking forward to it becoming an awesome guild! Me and Viper are going to be running the adoption agency:) yay *does a dance*, i aslo created a donaation shop, and guild account for it! The banners Cheryl made rock!
Aug 25, 2003 12:58
Something has happened!
You find a Lime Swirly Negg on the floor!
Woo hoo i never get random events! Me and Joey are reffering ppl to Neo Newbie Helpers!
Aug 25, 2003 12:19
lol Joey you are ebil! heehee i am trying to fill up your inventory and you keep adding the items to your gallery grr...lol! I am talking to you on Aim right now:) hee hee! i will try my best to get you an lj code!
Aug 25, 2003 11:44
Adam currently has 39,695,008 Neopoints, more than you - haha!
Hmm, I wish he would get rid of some of those nps then maybe i could get that number 6 avatar!
Aug 25, 2003 11:31
Okay i am desperate, my journal looks so blah! I baldy need a lay-out or atleast a bg! If anyone knows hot to make one, or has a pre-made one, please let me know! I hat the look of my lj!