its been awhile

Jul 23, 2006 11:54

i haven't done this in... oh, maybe 4 months. but i'm in a funk and who knows why and i'm just restless and bored. i'm putting off doing a practice GRE too, so that I can watch more tv. summer has been okay. i'm not loving living in appleton, and i wish i was at home, i've gone home pretty much every weekend or every other weekend. but its ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

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swimgirl2084 July 25 2006, 08:20:42 UTC
that's a really good idea! i still have tons of old shirts, but i have no quilting ability, but i guess i could always learn!


tiffers3 July 25 2006, 16:47:52 UTC
Its not hard to do a T-shirt quilt. I actually have a pattern, email me you address and I'll mail it to you (Anna, if you want it as well I can send you a copy of it).


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