awwww jillysunkissed3120December 20 2004, 21:44:27 UTC
jill that was like the cutest post to ever be made! i love you so much even if you snore but its ok! those pics were awesome...i know we'll be friends forever (WOW IM GAY HAHAH)
Re: awwww jillyswimsweetie0629December 20 2004, 21:51:24 UTC
well as gay as that was...being friends that supposed to be a good thing? lol jk jk stacy what would i do in hell week without you?? welllll stacyyy i would kill u then laugh about it any day of the week! lol xoxo
this year was very eventful, i must say. We have enough memories to write our own novel! I luv u too much its sickening, i know we'l be friends even when were old and wrinkley and ur boobs are down to ur knees.
alright i dont know what to say to that...thats ummm something to look forward too...but im sure we'll have killed eachother by then lol ashhhley i lovvvvvvve u
20 to the 0 fo!
December 20 2004, 22:46:38 UTC
well this year has been the worst year of my life. I got three new best friends who i secretly hate. One of them snore so bad that it could wake gandi up from meditating. One likes to make faces with her stomach and give her boobs names. and the other smells really bad and is "flowing" three weeks out of a month. But i have to put up with them. I have made some life long friends though, captan, andrew morris, grant, the egg-inator, and a very special person to me..jeremy michael blake. I will miss 2004, but not because of my new disgusting best friends.
Re: 20 to the 0 fo!swimsweetie0629December 20 2004, 22:49:31 UTC
Sheida i love youuuu more then u can imagine! and ya i agree it gets stuck to be stuck with the snorer (me) ashley (the idiot) and stacy (the flower) butt u still love us neways! its a good think u have captain and andy and grand and most of all jeremy.....sheida im glad we initiated uu!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you step in us rottingg, ~jillian~ haha
Comments 16
I hope you guys rot,
Sheida <3
Hope you step in us rottingg,
~jillian~ haha
nice pics!
add me!!! :)
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