Title: War's Over
Characters: Hot Rod, Arcee, Springer, Kup, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, misc. nameless others. More to come.
Description: The war is over, with the neutrals siding with Shockwave and the Decepticons to take back and rebuild Cybertron, but what does that mean for the autobots
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Comments 17
Words fail me. I so look forward to reading more! And welcome back to the writing world! =D
The suspense was amazing, and Roddy's characterization is interesting, but I am REALLY REALLY interested in the world-building this is going to take.
It's very different from most other premises I've read so far, and I'liking where it's going =)
And as I said up top- I wanted to see a slightly different angle on a frequently written topic. Glad to have you along for the ride. :)
To be honest, world building is what I look forward to in every fic I read (which is not pronz, because, yeah).
I'll be sitting here with a mug coffee waiting for chap 02, so yup, count me in =D
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