Someday, I hope to become a poet! I could do it, too - I'm just naturally talented in EVERYTHING I do.
Take these Akatsuki haikus as an example:
My name is Tobi!
I'm shrouded in mystery
A cute enigma!
With his many mouths is cool!
Keep it real, senpai!
Sir Leader leads well
I bet I could do better!
…maybe someday soon!
Blue hair can only
Be the product of hair dye,
Konan, no offense!
Itachi-chan is
My most beloved nephew -
BFF's for life!
Sasori is a
Big partner-stealing jerkface
And his puppets suck.
Zetsu-san is my
Pal, even though he likes to
Munch on human flesh!
Stop saying bad words,
Hidan-san, it's impolite!
Can't you say "freaking"?
Kisame-san smells
Sort of like fish and seaweed,
Please go take a bath!
Kakuzu-san and
Money are like OTP -
Buy me candy please!
I hope you like them! I will take requests for anyone NOT in Akatsuki too, because that's what a good boy would and should do!