01. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02. I respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
03. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
05. When others
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Comments 13
2) What's the most failed relationship you've ever been in?
3) Have you ever done anything that you should have been fired for at any of your jobs? Did they find out?
4) What meal do you crave that you haven't had for a while? Go into detail, I'm hungry.
5) Do you do anything weird while you sleep, like snore really loud, sleepwalk, or sleeptalk?
2) How did you first start dating your current girlfriend?
3) What is the most exciting thing to do in Northfield?
4) Would you rather a) live in an underwater laboratory a la Sealab 2020, or in a hot air balloon, floating around the world?
5) If you got drafted, would you serve, take the jailtime, or run to Canada?
Hitting on the customers is usually frowned upon, so I'm still holding out for someone to discretely slip me some digits, which hasn't happened yet.
2) Have you ever stolen anything? If so, what?
3) What's the bitchiest thing any of your parking lot customers has said/done?
4) What's your favorite building in Minneapolis and why?
5) If you could fire any one politician currently in office and replace them with someone else, who would you get rid of and who would you have replace him/her?
2) What's the grossest thing you've had to do/see for your nursing schooling?
3) If you could live in any past decade, which would you choose and why?
4) Have you ever been in a situation where you thought that your life was in danger?
5) Have you ever had a dream that made you question and/or reevaluate your world view, personal character, or interpersonal relationships? I want to hear about it.
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