oh yeah

Dec 20, 2004 18:21

First self bought cd: Paula Abdul
First funeral: Jack Larson :'(
First credit card: Visa
First crush: Adam something or another

Last cigarette: never had one
Last car ride: Over to Bulkley Hall
Last good cry: over a year ago… like Oct 03 I believe was the last time I cried
Last library book checked out: Some Psych book last semester…
Last beverage drank: Fresca!!
Last food consumed: sandwich my daddy made me :-D
Last phone call: Talked to Clayton about an hour ago
Last time showered: last night after my deep sea fishing trip
Last shoes worn: Reef Flops
Last cd played: My Country Cutie mix
Last song you sang: Me and Charlie Talking

What color socks are you wearing?: clear (aka- none)
What color of underwear?: white and neon pink ;-)
What's under your bed?: some empty water bottles, probably my cats, and my snowboard case and gear
What time did you wake up today?: a little before 9 I think

Where do you want to go?: I already go to UCF… so after I’ll be at the Fire Academy :-D
What is your career going to be?: FireFighter
Where are you going to live?: In a house… probably FL unless I move
How many kids do you want?: not sure… at least one… but I kinda want to have one, then adopt 2 (twins)
What kind of car(s): a nice one

Sex: Female
Birthday: halloween
Sign: scorpio
Siblings: 2 brothers, Michael and Patrick… one sister-in-law- Nicole
What is your favorite place to shop: Best Buy or just the mall if I have money!
do you do drugs?: nope
What kind of shampoo do you use?: fructirse however you spell it
What are you most scared of?: not finding love
Where do you want to get married?: on the beach in December

Subjects in school: the only classes I take are Psychology classes
Favorite Animals: Moose, Dogs, Cats, Monkeys
Ice Cream: Choc/Vanilla swirl
Sport: Ultimate frisbee and softball
Season: Winter

H A V E | Y O U | E V E R
Given anyone a bath?: hehe- yeah
Bungee jumped?: sadly- no
Skinny dipped?: not unless you count the bath tub
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: yeah
Cried when someone died?: yeah
Fallen for your best friend?: Currently doing that… hehe
Done something you regret?: of course

L A S T | P E R S O N
Hugged: I think Clayton or my dad…
You yelled at: mom
Kissed: Michael my guest

Makes you laugh the most: Probably Ashley or random comedians
Makes you cry? my professors (at least that’s what I cried over the last time) and my family makes me WANT to cry… but I don’t
Is your best friend in the entire world? Ashley
Do you admire? My parents
Can't you stand? Nicole

Of boys/girls I've REALLY kissed: oh geez…. probably in the 30’s at least
Of things that I regret: there’s no telling… I know one for sure


popeyes, churches, or kfc: KFC.
lead pen, pencil, or pen: pen.
black or white: depends
aeropostale, abercrombie, hollister, or american eagle: tough choice- not hollister though…
hot topic or abercrombie: Abercrombie.
lol, haha, lolol, or hehe: lol
aim, msn, yahoo, or icq: aim
type or talk: depends
walmart, kmart, or target: TARGET
mall or movies: both
wendys or checkers: Wendys


what you are wearing: jeans and a pink golf shirt… also a sweatshirt of COURSE!
who are you talking to: no one at the moment
who else is in your room: in the living room right now- so Mom
last person you talked to / about what: mom- “where’s your dad?” “idk”


name all of the people who pop into your head right now: mike, ashley, jen, al, jose, chad, matt, matt, matt, brian, sponge, danielle, christian, ben, adam, etc.
what is set as ur desktop background: A picture of Michael Patrick and me at Michaels wedding
screensaver: a picture slideshow or just a lot of friends
what color is ur instant messaging text: green on dark grey I believe
what instant messanger to you use: AIM
what browser do you use: Explorer

Have you ever...
Gotten stuck in an elevator: I don’t think so
Egged a person: heck yeah
Egged a persons driveway but not their house: yup
Stalked someone to find what classes they have or where they work or live: OMG YES!
Gotten in a garbage can and had your friend push you: hahahaha YES
Spent an entire day wearing nothing but your underwear: yup
Eaten french fries with a vanilla shake: EW NO!!!
Burped up cheese on someone: yuck no
Read your friends journal without them knowing it: yeah
Gone skinny dipping: nope
Microwaved a peice of silverwear: hahahah yeah
Been in a fist fight: yeah
Been in a cat fight: yeah
Had a crush on a cartoon: ALADIN! YES

Animal noise you made: fish floating to the surfice
Time you tripped: idk… a coupla weeks ago I think- with Rich and Haley walking into Sports Authority
Time you cleaned around the base of the toilet: before Mike came over the first time- haha
Kind of gum you had: spearmint
pair of socks you wore: my ladybug socks
Beverage you had: fresca
Spur of the moment decision you made: go to a movie
Movie you watched: Calendar Girls
Person of the opposite sex you thought about: Michael
Time you saw a pengiun: just yesterday…
Time you ate pancakes: when the girls had a slumber party at my apt at the beg. of november

Fast forward or rewind: depends
Bath or shower: bath to relax, shower if I’m in a hurry
Granola or glitter: glitter
Devotion or distance: devotion
Elbows or knees: knees
Girls or boys: boys
Embarassment or boredom: depends
Public or private: depends
Surfers or phsychics: surfers
New years or 4th of July: new years
Tree house or boat house: tree house
Singularity or multiplicity: multilicity
Anarchists or vantriloquists: neither
1970's or 1980's: 80s
Paper or Plastic: paper
Ants in Pants or Cooties: cooties ;-)
Slopes or beach: slopes
Finger paints or toe rings: finger paints
Aeschlus or Sophocles: huh?
Super heroes or super villians: heroes
Mullet or shaved head: shaved head!!!!
I love lucy or i dream of jeannie: lucy all the way
Nudity or dentistry: this is a toughie
Korean hand acupuncture or Japanese magnet therapy: I think they’re both cool
Ski or guitar lessons: ski- already know the guitar thing!
Goats or llamas: hmm… that’s a hard choice…
Realists or surrealists: surrealists.
Honesty or niceness: honesty.
Blindfolded or handcuffed: depends ;-)
Thinking or acting: acting
Streaking or sky diving: sky diving!
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