Only Your Figure in My Eyes (Chp. 2)

Mar 18, 2012 02:35

Title: Only Your Figure in My Eyes
Author: switenana
Beta: hwangtinglee
Pairing: YamaChii, slight of TakaChii
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Fluff, romance, angst
Summary: Love isn't easy. It's pretty complicated. What is true love? Can it bought with money? How it feel actually?

"You shouldn't let your body get wet, girl." a messy boy come to her and lets Yuri has his umbrella. But, suddenly the little girl cries hard and squats in front of him. It makes him panic because each eyes is staring at him, "Aaa....h-hey girl, w-what happened?" he squats and pats her head while letting his umbrella cover her small figure. He stutters. "What's wrong?" his gentle voice asks her, but the girl still cries hard. "Want to come with me? We-we can take shelter over there till the rain stops." he asks her again while pointing the cafe next to them. He doesn't get any answer. Then he tries ti grab her upper arm gently, but Yuri pushes him away, it makes the boy falls to the ground and get dirty.

"YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS!!!!" Yuri yelled and cries harder.

"M-Miss, I-...."

"DON'T TOUCH ME. YOU'RE SUCH A JERK. HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME AND GO WITH OTHER GIRLS." yelled Yuri again without knowing who the guy in front of her is. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" she yelled again.

"O-ok, I-I'll leave you." said the messy boy. He leaves her tentatively and looks around. He still catches people's eyes staring at him. Then, suddenly he heard something weird from behind him. He turns his body to that direction and finds the girl has collapsed. "Should I help her or not? Help her? No. Help her? No." it fulfills his thought. He walks here and there, everyone still staring at him. "O-ok, ok, I'll take her with me." "Great, now, everyone knows me as a jerk like she said. Oh Kamisama, what have I done in my previous life?" everyone still staring at him when he brings Yuri on his back. "She's very light," he keeps it in his mind. He brings her to his apartment and lay her down on the sofa. "Hey girl, wake up...." he tries to wake her up, but Yuri still remains silent, "You should change y-...." he stops his line as he touches her head, "Damn, she got a fever. Ice bag, ice bag...." he's in a panic mode. He runs here and there and takes an ice bag with him. He puts the ice bag on Yuri's forehead and calls a doctor, his best friend.

"Yabu sensei," as the messy boy calls the doctor by phone.
"Oi, don't call me sensei. Nani yo Yama-chan?"
"I-I got some problem here. Can you help me?"
"No, not now, next year. Ergh, of course now, baka. Then why do I call you now?"
"Ok, ok. I'm coming now."
It doesn't take a long time to reach Yamada's apartment. There was a knock on the door, and Yamada opens it in a rush.

"Yama-chan, what happened? What's the problem?" Yabu comes into Yamada's apartment and he didn't find anything wrong.

"There's the problem." Yamada points to the girl on the sofa.

"What the hell? What happened to her?" Yabu got closer to the girl and do a little examination about her condition while Yamada kept silent, "Oi, don't tell me you-....." he's staring at Yamada suspiciously.

"W-WHAT ???? How dare you think I did..."

"Who knows?" Yabu looks at the girl again. "Then...can you tell me what happened to her?" he asks Yamada.

"Mmm.....actually I don't know,"

"What? How do you not know about her? She's in your apartment now, and....she got a fever."

"I-I know that, but I really don't know who she is and what is her problem. I just met her on my way home."


"She will be ok in a couple of days."


"But..." he stares at Yamada, "Don't do something you'll regret, ok?" Yabu shows him an evil smirk.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"I gotta go. Matta ne Yama-chan. Ah yeah, the medicine, I put it on your table. Jaa." his gaze still fixed on Yabu for awhile till Yabu disappeared from his sight. What Yamada only can do is sigh.

He looks at Yuri, the girl who is lying on his sofa. He come closer to that girl and stares at her. "She should take her medicine," he whispered to himself. "Demo...." he stares at her body, "she's wet...mmm.....I should take some blankets to her." then he went to his bedroom, he took what he wanted and came back to the girl. "W-well, you should change your clothes before you get worst. I'll laundry your clothes." Yamada said and let the girl take a seat, then he tries to pull off her clothes till something make him blush hard. "P-p-p-pinku..." he tries to put on the blanket, but Yuri wakes up.


"P-p-please don't...."

"HOW DARE YOU-...." but Yuri feels so weak because of her fever. She tries to punch Yamada, but she falls down onto Yamada's shoulder. Yamada takes her to sit on the sofa again.

"I-I will not do anything to you. I promise. I-I just want to change you before your fever gets worst." he tried to explain, but Yuri was unconcious. "H-hey, you should drink the medicines first before you go to sleep." he gives her the medicine and a glass of water, Yuri takes it and she slept well after that. "Gosh, what am I supposed to do now? Well, she should go whenever she recovers." thought Yamada. He is really confused now. He never faced girlsn and now he has to.

He looks around, and then his eyes stop to the girl again and again. He comes closer to the girl again.

"She's like a sleeping beauty," said Yamada. He can't take his eyes off from her. The little blonde haired girl, that cute face, the small figure, her white and smooth skin have impressed Yamada. Her curly hair is so smooth and shinny. It's really touchable, even makes Yamada want to stroke her hair. Suddenly his wristwatch is ringing, he turns it off in a panic. He looks at the girl again after he turns his wristwatch to be silent. "Umf, I said I'll pay my rent this afternoon, demo..." he looks to the outside, it's still raining. The rain poured hard more than before. Yamada sighs. "Well, I'll pay her tomorrow morning. I hope she won't yell at me and....turns into a real gorilla." he smiles. He puts the blanket to cover the small figure that was lying on the sofa. "I hope you'll get better soon." he whispered then went to his private room, he painted something up onto his canvass. He looks so serious till he didn't realize the morning has come. His painting still isn't finished yet, but he should go to find the owner. He knows it as he sees his wristwatch again.

"I should go." he only used his lazy outfit and a jacket on him. He can see that Yuri is still asleep. She looks prettier when the sunlight hits her face. Yamada knows it and pulls the curtain to inhibit the sunlight. Then, he puts the blanket more over her body and goes out. But, something surprised him when he opens the door.

A/N : minna, gomen...
I can't reply and post properly
I got problem with my lappie and my internet
I only can use my phone right now
But, it's really difficult to type the story again
So...maybe the next chapter will be a bit late
Gomen ne *bowed deeply*
I hope you enjoy to read this chappie
and comments are loved
I'll check this chappie again, but later ne
If I can use my internet again
Arigatou minna

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