Only Your Figure in My Eyes (Chp. 6)

Apr 25, 2012 18:55

Title : Only Your Figure in My Eyes
Author : switenana
Beta : hwangtinglee
Pairing : YamaChii, slight of TakaChii
Rating : NC - 17
Genre : fluff, romance, angst
Summary : Love isn't easy. It's pretty complicated. What is true love? Can it bought with money? How it feel actually?

“C’mon !!” Yuri persuades him. “Do it for me or I won’t meet my parents.” she threatens him. Inside her, she smirked. She’s really happy. She doesn’t know how she can be like that. But, she’s really excited now. She wants to know how Yamada looks like when he’s not in a messy appearance. What does that boy looks like? She’s curious about it.

“Ma….ma~~~” Yamada said. “I don’t want to. C’mon, we should go see your parents.” Yamada takes her wrist after getting up from his seat.

“I don’t want to go anywhere!” Yuri becomes so childish. She winks at the transvestite who has cut her hair. She wants him to help her persuade Yamada.

“Un~~~Yama-chan~~~just do it once.” he winks back at her, then force Yamada to take a seat.

“I don’t want it.” said Yamada as he gets up. He takes Yuri with him. “Ikku yo.” Yuri persisted till suddenly they heard the sound of the scissors.

“Yamada-san~~” Yuri called him.

“Ara, gomen Yama-chan. I didn’t mean to cut your hair.” said the transvestite as he looks at Yamada. Then he turned his face to the other side pretending to cry, though in fact, he’s not. He smirks secretly before turning his face to Yamada again. Yamada was shocked. Half of his hair was cut. He's speechless for awhile and keeps staring at his hair which has fallen to the floor “Let me trim your hair. It’s my fault, so….let me do that.” he said again and forced that boy to take a seat again.

“Demo….” Yamada tried to get up.

“Let me do that!” now he can hear a baritone sound, the real man’s voice. It comes from the transvestite. The transvestite pushes his shoulder to sit quietly. “I’ll do it in no time. Trust me, it would be good on you.” he said. Yamada can’t do anything for it now. Yamada gives up and lets him make over him. The transvestite really does it fast and swift. In a few minutes, he got the new hairstyle. Now, the new Yamada gets all of Yuri’s attention. She can’t take her eyes off of him. That messy boy becomes a handsome boy, just like a prince. In his white lose shirt and his trousers, plus his sneakers, Yamada looks so handsome. Well, it’s not the prince outfit after all, but Yuri sees him like a prince standing in front of her.

“W-what are you looking at?” Yamada asked her.

“Aa….eto~~~nandemonai.” she’s blushes.

“Then we should meet your parents after I pay the services.” Yamada said and goes to the cashier. A moment later, he’s back and grabs Yuri’s wrist. “Ikku yo.” he said.

“Un,” Yuri nods and takes her backpack. They walk in silent to Yuri’s house. Many passerbies where staring at them whispering to each other after that, just like as if they are spreading rumors, they are gossiping. Yuri looks around, she got that situation all the way home. “Ne Yamada-san, why do they keep staring at us?”

“W-well, I don’t know. Maybe they are looking at you, because you’re so pretty. Now, guide me to your house. Where is it?” suddenly Yamada looks pretty cool in her sight. But, that boy is back to his old self, always stuttering and being nervous.

“W-well, we almost reached it.” said Yuri. “Ahh, there it is.” she points to the big Japanese traditional house.

“You mean…..that house?” Yamada look at her while pointing at the same house.

“Un,” Yuri nods. “That’s my home. Demo……” she looks afraid.

“Shinpai naide. I think I know the owner.”

“Demo….Yamada-san….” Yuri keeps silent for awhile, seems like she is thinking about something. Then her eyes become bigger. “Eee??? You know the owner?”

“Un,” he nods. “Dakara, shinpai shinaide.” he pats her head again. It’s a soft touch that can make Yuri feel calm. They stepped into the house. Yuri stepped hesitantly. She’s not sure if her parents will accept her back. Yamada knows it, that’s why he grabs her small hand and looks at her. His eyes told her that everything will be fine.

“Ta-Tadaima~~~” she greets. Then an old woman comes rushing to the entrance.

“Yuri-sama~~~” she’s a maid at Yuri’s house. She’s really happy to meet her ojousama. But, her father shows up in anger. He looks at her daughter just like a stranger has come to his house.

“Otoo-chan.” she called her father. She still feels guilty to her father.

“Who are you? Don’t call me otoo-chan.” he becomes so cold to her daughter.

“Otoo-chan~~I’m your daughter, why do you-….” she’s almost crying.

“Konnichiwa Mr. Chinen. Hisashiburi.” Yamada greets Yuri’s father so suddenly. He tries to change the atmosphere between the father and daughter and he successfully makes Yuri’s father look at him.

“Hmm???” his puzzled eyes look at Yamada.

“Boku wa Yamada Ryosuke desu.” he bowed to Mr. Chinen.

“Yamada Ryosuke….ka? Ah, Yamada-kun, hisashiburi.” Yuri’s father looks so happy to meet him. “How are your parents, Mr. and Mrs. Yamada?” suddenly that angry face turned to create a small and warm smile. Seems like he has forgotten about his anger.

“They are fine.” said Yamada in smile.

“Hmm, that’s great.” then he looks at Yuri again. “What are you still doing here?”


“Don’t call me otoo-chan, you’re not my daughter.” then he turned to face Yamada again. “Well, Yamada-kun, will you come join me for afternoon tea?”

“Um…if you let Chinen-san come join us as well,” said Yamada and pats Yuri’s head.

“How do you know her?” asked that old man.

“Mm….it’s just a coincidence I guess. At first, I really don’t know she is your daughter. Demo, she showed me this house.” Yamada smiled and looks at Yuri. “That’s why I know her as your daughter. Don’t be so harsh to her, Mr. Chinen. She’s still a girl, a little girl” then he looks at Yuri’s father again. “However, she’s your daughter, your blood is flowing in her body.” her father looks at his daughter. There are many changes that occurred in Yuri. She didn’t use glamorous dresses any more, only a simple dress and her hair, it’s black now.

“Go,” her father said so suddenly, surprising her. She gets a little shock and afraid that her father will repel her again. That’s what she thinks about at that time. “See your mother! She is ill.”

“Otoo-chan~~” she hug him for awhile then run to her mother’s room, leaving Yamada and her father. Yuri finds her mother was lying on the bed, so weak and pale. “Okaa-chan.” she called her mom softly. On the other side, Yuri’s father, Mr. Chinen, asks Yamada to join him to enjoy afternoon tea in the next few minutes.

“It’s been a long time, deshou?” Mr. Chinen stares at the shiny sky as they reach the living room. “If she is here, maybe she will be Yuri’s best friend.” suddenly that old man said it. “Ah, don’t mind me.” Mr. Chinen said and turns his face to look at Yamada again. He takes a seat in front of Yamada.

“They would,” the bitter smile plastered on his face again. That’s the bad memories he always has and still can’t get out of his past. “Umf, Mr. Chinen, gomen nasai.” he bowed deeply. “I think I should go now. I need to finish my painting. Gomen nasai, I can’t accompany you for the afternoon tea.”

“Ah, ok.” That old man looks a little bit disappointed. “Maybe we can do it next time.”

“Well…” he sigh. “Now, your daughter has return. I’ll leave her here.” he said. “Arigatou for offering me the afternoon tea. See you next time Mr. Chinen. Nice talking to you.” after that short conversation, Yamada decided to go home. He uses his shoes again and bowed deeply to Mr. Chinen. But someone pulls his shirt so suddenly when he open the door. He turns his face and looks at that small figure. Yuri, it’s Yuri. She pulls his shirt.

“W-what???” he asks her.

“I forget my underwear at your place.” she’s blushing when whispering to Yamada.

“WHATTT????” Yamada also got redden cheeks.

“Hm? What happened Yamada-kun?” asks Mr. Chinen when he heard Yamada speaks so loud. He comes closer to Yamada and Yuri. “What happened Yamada-kun?” asks Yuri’s father. He stares at Yamada, and then turns to Yuri. “What do you want to do to him, huh?” he sharpens his eyes when he looks at his daughter.

“Eto~~~” Yamada tries to say something, but….

“I forgot something. I left it in his apartment.” she pushed Yamada to leave. “I will go with him to take it.”

“Demo, Yuri~~~”

“I’LL BE RIGHT BACK!!!” she screamed and grabs Yamada’s hand. Yamada only smiled all the way they walk to his apartment. “Why are you grinning?”

“I’m just thinking about something.”

“What’s that?”

“Don’t you realize? You’re so afraid of your father before, but now….everything has changed. Your father isn’t mad at you and let you meet your mother. By the way, how is she?”

“She’s ok now. Well…it’s because of me. So I will take care of her from now on I guess.”

“That sounds great. Then, do your best. Make her being the happiest mother.” he pats her head again. In a few minutes, they reached Yamada’s apartment without realizing it. Yamada unlock the door and let Yuri comes inside. “Take your things and go home after that. Don’t make your parents waits for you. Don’t disappoint them, be a good girl, ok?” he pats her head again. Seems like Yamada loves to pat Yuri’s head because he does that again and again. He treats her just like his imouto. But, Yuri also loves it. She even doesn’t know why she is happy, she loves the moment Yamada pats her head.

“Un,” she nod and she collected her things in a rush. Just in 15 minutes, Yuri’s back to him. “I’m done,” she said.

“Well, now you-…..”

“Ryo-chan~~~” someone called him from behind. He turns his face to the voice. There’s an old woman. She can’t take her eyes off Yuri.

“Okaa-chan…” Yamada called her.

“Yukka. Is she Yukka? Is she Yukka?” she comes closer to Yuri and almost touched Yuri’s face.

“Okaa-chan…she is not. She is Yuri, Chinen-san’s daughter.”

“Yukka, she is Yukka.” his mom tries to get Yuri, but Yamada grab her arms and turn her body to look at him.

“SHE’S DEAD. YUKKA IS DEAD.” he yelled at her mother. “Yukka is dead. She’s already dead.” he lowers his voice and cries without any tears.

“What do you mean….Yamada….-san?” Yuri gets bigger eyes.

“Yuri, please go home. Onegai….”


"GO HOME!!!" Yamada looks so mad, but also in grief at the same time.

A/N : minna, gomen nasai *bowed so deeply*
beside this chapter isn't good enough
I also feel sorry if I didn't leave any comment after take a spot
and after I read your fics
I didn't mean it
but, the connection is really bad
it always didn't let me leave a single comment
so....I think I'll only leave a comment when I can
hontou ni gomen nasai m(_ _)m


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