Long time since I've updated.
From over 30 pages of storyboards the panels above are some of my favorites. This has just been incredible. I don't think I'll ever have writer's block again. Before winter break, I made an early New Years Resolution to commit myself to this script that I've been fighting with, off and on, for almost two years now. I decided to just take what ideas I knew FOR SURE I was comfortable with, and just start storyboarding them as if the entire script were already done. What ended up happening was, instead of just doing parts I had already written, I just kept drawing, and drawing and drawing, and ended up storyboarding far past what was already in script form. Which, as a result, got me thinking about whole new areas of the story I didn't even know existed. I don't know... I guess there's something about actually SEEING faces, and figures, and camera angles that just gets the juices flowing much better than simply writing ever has. Don't get me wrong, I still love the writing aspect, but now I at least know how to pull myself out of any ruts that might show up in the future. Come to think of it, from now on I may just storyboard stuff first and then write the script to whatever I've drawn. It's been the most rewarding creative experience I've ever had. I'm so fucking excited it's been hard to sleep. I just want to get as much of this done as possible before classes start. Cuz if I'm in the same "fever" when school starts, it'll be sooooo fucking hard to focus on work. It's already hard enough to care about anything else.