Mar 11, 2011 02:10
- 10:09:58: When it rains it pours-13 hour day on the mikado tomorrow, got an email about being asst lighting designer at the black rep next week. #busy
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Mar 10, 2011 02:09
- 08:12:35: Carp load in and out today. Friday? Wardrobe for The Mikado 13 hrs of Japanese outfits, ironing, steaming & laundry #hijinksatthetouhill #fb
- 09:54:58: RT @johnrickards: In honour of Lent I'll be eating all that unwanted bacon, eggs and chocolate that would otherwise go to waste.
- 09:56:02: likes The Hunger - Single by Shirley Manson &
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Mar 09, 2011 02:09
- 07:10:55: Important information relayed to me at writers group last night-best way to keep trolls away-laugh joyously, but not at them,near them!
- 08:04:55: RT @DeathStarPR: On #internationalwomensday we remember that girls can lead Rebellions & shoot Stormtroopers as well as any guy.
But pl ...
- 10:37:50: RT @CNNBig22: And in the silly criminal
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Mar 08, 2011 02:08
- 17:14:07: RT @bergopolis: Charlie Sheen was officially fired from Two and a Half Men. When cocaine closes a door, it opens a window... from which ...
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Mar 02, 2011 02:11
- 07:19:10: Good morning Non upright Neanderthals masquerading as other than... how are we this fine morning? #fb
- 15:05:29: Going dark!
- 15:07:49: Hanging out in the wings during focus. We have a possessed doll wig offstage right that keeps reappearing and stealing Bryant's stuff.
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Mar 01, 2011 02:10
- 07:22:06: Attention twitter 'verse-Due to last night's almost tornado, I slept horribly and for only the briefest of moments. To compensate I shall be
- 07:23:23: ...taking my anger and sleepiness out on unsuspecting innocents. Hide the platypuses, & the badgers. #ipokebadgerswithspoons #whatareplatypi
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