Feb 05, 2011 03:08
- 07:55:31: Good Morning Tweet-Lemmings! This is Doctor Happenstance to break you out of your mindless rut that you have become entrapped in.
- 07:58:04: Today you should try something new, something that perhaps scares you. Drive off without paying for your gas! Dine and dash! Drive the wrong
- 07:59:06: way on One Way streets! Drive on the opposite
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Feb 04, 2011 03:10
- 11:38:28: This is a message from your overlord Silas. I have saved you from the teenaged machinations of the son of the Lunatics. You may thank me.
- 11:40:48: I accept plutonium, depleted uranium, ammunition for large caliber weaponry,& any extra bioweapons or chemical agents you have lying about.
- 11:43:07: All thank you donations can be dropped
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Feb 03, 2011 03:10
- 09:14:39: Good morning tweetlings-This is Doctor Happenstance, I have taken control of the internet & the television. All your media are belong to us.
- 09:18:13: Your only option now that I control the media empire that you all suckle upon as if it were your mother's teat, is to upset the status quo.
- 09:20:37: Drive on the left side of the road,
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Feb 02, 2011 03:10
- 11:02:03: RT @Harkaway: New Twitter: like old Twitter, but runs on molasses and steam. It's slowpunk Twitter. #newtwitter
- 11:03:07: RT @justchristine: Overheard on the train: "He's a waffle! And I am a window, and you are a table!"
- 11:09:15: RT @Syfy: I'm giving away a #Stargate Artifacts book detailing 851 props to someone who RT this by 5pmPT on
( Read more... )
Jan 28, 2011 03:10
- 07:05:32: RT @WritersDigest: Live near Lexington, KY? Come to the Carnegie Center on Feb. 26 for a writing presentation from a WD editor -- http:/ ...
- 07:24:05: RT @kravmagataunton: Hi guys thought id share this quick tutorial about striking with the hands as you know combatives is an essential.. ...
- 07:53:03: Me: Look at this- http://twitpic.com/
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Jan 19, 2011 03:09
- 11:35:24: Printing out Caedmon and Superboy so I can get some edits and rewriting done. I work better with hard copy for editing and rewrites.
- 11:48:09: @ LockeCole117 there's just something different about reading it on paper
Tweets copied by
Jan 18, 2011 03:09
- 10:15:12: Writing the confrontation between Caedmon & Silas. Well they're on their way there now. Caedmon just fell out of his room to Roxanna's feet.
- 11:20:15: “You missed me” I clasped my hands together&held them to my heart “You really missed me!” She shoved at the back of my head tousling my hair
- 14:24:05: RT @grantimahara: Ironically, the
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Jan 17, 2011 03:12
- 10:46:17: Superboy and the Invisible Girl-my NaNoWriMo novel will be back in the queue soon-Caedmon chronicles will be wrapping up soon.#amwriting #fb
- 22:35:43: Natalie Portman's dress looks like she got shot through the chest. #gayglobes
- 22:40:29: And the lesbians win! #gayglobes!
- 22:49:39: Colin Firth just said 'triangle of man love-#gayglobes
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