Title: Undress
Pairings: Shige/Tegoshi
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Crossdressing.
A/N: Another story I finished before the one I began to write way earlier. Oh, well. This had to be done. It's a light-hearted romantic comedy I hope you'll enjoy.
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Comments 6
I honestly really loved the way you made Tesshi be a little tease towards Shige and still kept his character and personality even as a 'female'
My favourite part had to be Tegoshi making Shige pay for the food xD I always find it funny when he uses that excuse and gets pampered ;w;
I really love how you developed their characters too even in a short time, showing both shige's anxious side and most of all Tegoshi's 'weak' side.
^o^ It was a nice story!! really cute for TegoShige ;w;
Also bonus love for the pictures at the end too <3
Thank you, dear! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. It was meant to be mostly a little light-hearted romantic comedy on the side. I had this idea for a long time and I'm glad I finally finished it. The video and the artwork also came along nicely.
Thanks for the comment!
Yay for Tegoshige stories :B! Good job~
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