It's DROPPING MEME TIME, kids! o/ Short and sweet because I don't remember the format for these. What is it, like IC/OOC/Plans/Chance of dropping/etc.? I'll be skipping the IC part since doing that always makes me spend like three hours on these things.
State of the OOC Union: I am good with hir right now! Viper is like . . . on my list of "cold dead hands" characters, which is funny since I don't play hir extremely often. Along with Shirley sie gets the least comments in a month, and often when I do activity checks it's those two who didn't hit the mark. BUT . . . sie's a backburner by nature. Before I got Devit in, sie WAS close to being a primary (since I was preparing Tomo for the drop), and it didn't really work out! It's not in hir nature as a character, at least not yet, when we're still slowly getting backstory and don't even honestly know what sex sie is. The funny thing about Viper is that sie and Devit are my two characters where I freak the fuck out whenever they get new canon. XD Shirley's beyond any new canon ever (PROBABLY, ANYWAY, WTF EVER HAPPENED TO SWORD OF LEGENDIA), Hyuuga appears semi-frequently in the manga and I always enjoy it but never really spaz (except that time he killed the pope, that rocked), Rise gets interviews and drama CDs and so on but again I just kind of go "Oh cool," and Envy, well, spoilers, but. XD But with Devit and Viper, EVEN GETTING A NEW OFFICIAL PIC OF HALF OF THEIR FACE makes me go "OH FUCK YEAH NEW CANON!" They are the characters I get the most excited about. And so Viper is safe, although I do want to get hir activity up too, and the post with hir last night was a lot of fun.
Plans: Touch the last mistletoe post of the season. Something to make money, possibly involving a Kitten Room. Hope that canon tells me whether or not sie has a penis within the next two months. Gratuitously age hir up more once it does.
Chance of Dropping: 2/10. It could happen, but not soon.
Select Option 3: I REALLY DO THINK SIE'S FEMALE. I will be doing my best to avoid making statements either way, though, ICly; in last night's post she WAS female but I avoided indicating whether or not it was a camp effect or her normal state.
State of the OOC Union: WELL, DAMN. Shirley's been up on the chopping block more times than I can count, fairly recently too. XD I had all but decided to drop her a few months ago, but other events led me to drop Haru instead, and that saved Shirley, because I was down to six characters and figured "Okay, I have breathing room to decide what to do with her." I love Shirley, I really do. I'm always comfortable playing her. I never struggle for responses and even though she's mild and Jesusy and all, I never feel boring with her--MAYBE I AM, but I don't FEEL boring. XD Which is important to me, that I entertain myself! I know no one would really care if I did drop her, and if my character load got too big, she would be the first to go. I don't always feel like pulling her out. But I do still love her as a character, and I like having a healer and a Jesus-type, and she has unique traits that I can't really just--drop her and reapp someone else in her place. She's a Jesus, but where ELSE am I going to get an ex-genocidal Jesus with bright pink magical spells who can breathe underwater and laments how flat her chest is? Honestly, sometimes I do still consider it. But I am at least going to replay her canon (probably this week) and see how that goes. I've been needing to do that for like two years anyway.
Plans: Replay her canon, redo her icons if I decide to keep her. Whore for castmates. Play her more in general, because I think once I get over the roadblock of her not having close relationships, I'll want to throw her out more.
Chance of Dropping: 7/10. She's not there yet, but I would if I needed to.
State of the OOC Union: . . . uh no I'm fine with him. I'VE BEEN THROUGH THE WRINGER WITH HIM, and I'm at that point--I've already mentioned this I know--where it's like, sure he's changed a bit and I'm doing ~new~ things with him, but his situation at camp is so damn different from canon, and I base everything he does ON canon, and I think we cool. Mostly I need to play him off of more new people. I got crit two memes ago saying he was hit and miss sometimes, and I can acknowledge that's sometimes the case, and it becomes a problem for me when my activity goes down and I stop jumping new characters out of lack of time. But now my activity is back up and I feel a lot more confident with him when I'm spamming with him. If anyone else still has problems with how I play him, well, contact me! THAT'S HOW WE PLAY THE GAME.
Plans: Nothing specific except spam moar. Post with Hakuren someday, because AMUSINGLY THEY'VE NEVER, EVER CO-RUN A POST.
Chance of Dropping: 1/10. I'm not going to say 0 because I know I will someday, but I think that day is really far off.
State of the OOC Union: SOMETIMES I FEEL REALLY HIT OR MISS WITH HYUUGA. I love him, and I do think I can play him, and I always have fun when I do, but sometimes I feel--idk, it's weird. As a character, he's a delicate balance between crack and serious, and I feel like a lot of times I land on the side of serious because of the circumstances of camp, when that's not what he is nor what I want. I need to just get over that fear of playing him and throw him at more new people and really make him wackier, which is what he should be and what I apped him for. He IS a badass, and he is a genius in his own way, and he is a bad, bad man. But he's also a retarded, fun guy, and I don't think I go far enough with that. Like I said, some of that is camp's circumstances, where he's ended up in a place I didn't foresee. He had a recent thread with Takanari where Takanari confronted him over his relationship with Konatsu and treatment of it and Konatsu's worry over it and so on, AND HONESTLY, IT TOTALLY THREW ME, because that's just not what Hyuuga is for. ftr Takanari I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the thread or anything, or that ANYONE should not feel comfortable approaching Hyuuga in whatever manner they see fit. It was just one of those instances where I had a moment like "What do I even do in a thread like this? How did he get into this situation?" It was really far from canon because in canon Hyuuga doesn't have to worry about what Konatsu's friends think about him making a passing comment about him fucking his subordinate. XD HOW DO I EVEN DEAL WITH THAT IN A HYUUGA WAY. And stuff like that throws him onto the "serious" side of the spectrum in a way that isn't how I perceive the character. Again this is no one's fault but my own. It's the natural progression of camp and growing relationships. But at times it makes me afraid to play him because I'm Doing It Wrong, I'm not dealing with those situations effectively, as he should. Of course if I threw him out more in general in more crazy, dumb situations, the balance would be restored, so that's what I need to do. And he too was critted on this two memes ago, and I want to fix it because I hate it too, so!
Plans: PLAY HIM MORE. Be more retarded with him. Crossdressing. Genderswitch. More stupidity. Talk to Sora more :D
Chance of Dropping: 4/10. I've considered it, but I know I would regret it intensely. I just need to loosen up a bit because he's not supposed to be a hard character for me. He wasn't initially.
Select Option 3: MAN I WISH WE WOULD GET SOME BACKSTORY, but he's more than playable without it. I just want it. :( DAMN YOU TEITO KLEIN!
State of the OOC Union: Uh, I'm good with Rise! It took me a while to settle in to her, I think. For a while I was considering dropping her because I can't always keep up with her cast. And I still regret that and want to fix it. But in general I've gotten a lot comfier lately, I have a voice for her, I'm not as worried about things as I was, and I hope my castmates will smack me if I slip up. But I am playing her more and more and loving it, although I don't get the urge to throw her into everything. When I do, it's a blast. My one regret is not hitting up my cast enough (except Kanji HI KANJI). I keep missing them when they're out. We need to schedule some threads! ESPECIALLY YOU, SOUJI AND YOUSUKE. AND EVERYONE ELSE TOO, BUT I MISS THREADING WITH SOUJI AND YOUSUKE. 8(
Plans: Get more icons for her from more doujinshi SOMEHOW. Thread more with castmates. Get her drunk (or "drunk") somehow. Girly P4 cast slumber party. THREAD MORE WITH EVERYONE! Give out love advice!
Chance of Dropping: 3/10. Lowwwww. It could happen, but only if I really started feeling like I was doing the cast a disservice by hanging on to her and couldn't fix it. Her one downfall is that she's sort of easily replaceable in the terms of filling my RP niches.
Select Option 3: When I logged my threads for this month, I realized that, believe it or not, I had actually played Rise more than Devit in July.
State of the OOC Union: I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE I PLAY ENVY. AND I STILL AM REALLY AFRAID OF FUCKING UP WITH HIM. XD After these couple of months, however long it's been, I still haven't totally gotten over my fear, and sometimes it affects my play. Or lack of play! I think really I just need to play him more and more to get more comfy. The major problem is that in canon we see REALLY LITTLE of Envy interacting with people "normally." It's just not in his nature to do a lot of interacting with humans as Envy (as opposed to in disguise, trying to misguide them--but Envy in camp isn't settled enough to pull that shit, although he will be eventually). But in camp he's forced to, and I do my best with it, and I hope I'm doing all right! MOSTLY, I just need to do more stuff with him, and I mean that in a general "throw him out more" sense and a "come up with events to fuck with people, as he should be doing" sense. Envy should never be a presence in camp in the sense that he HAS many friends or relationships, but he should be a presence in camp in the sense that he makes bad shit happen to people (or at least tries to). So I need to do a little of both to make myself more comfortable. BUT I LOVE HIM and oh god I can't believe I play Envy on the internet.
Plans: See above! Fuck with people more, mostly. The Gate thing with Al and Ari, to start with. The Moogle Trick. Get around more in general.
Chance of Dropping: too soon to tell. He hasn't yet outlived his grace period of "NO WAY AM I DROPPING THIS CHARACTER," and he's not quite settled with me, but he's also not notably unsettled or uncomfortable to play, even if I am afraid of fucking up still. XD
So THE CONTINUUM, which I know you all love:
SAFE --------------------------------------------------- UNSAFE