Rowhouse 'Hood
You scored 30 out of 40 on urban-rural and 25 out of 40 land intensity. People know you as: The Bohemian Gentrifier
Quote: "That crack house just needed a little paint."
Your score indicates that you are a city-dweller of the old-school. You
like a dense, finely grained neighborhood with restaurants, churches
and brothels all on the same block. Although you've never spoken to him
personally, you know that guy Eddie down the street is a pimp and
you're sure to tell your lame suburban friends about him at every
opportunity, just to freak them out.
The bad news is that as more and more people like you move
into your neighborhood it gradually becomes less cool and more
expensive. Enjoy things while you can, because in 5 years you're going
to have to move to the next 'hood uptown.
Examples of places you should live: Baltimore, Philadelphia
All Categories
Secluded Hideaway /
Farm or Ranch /
Small Town /
Little City /
Suburb /
Streetcar Suburb /
Rowhouse 'Hood /
Downtown Loft My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 74% on urban-rural
You scored higher than 66% on land intensity
The Where Should You Live Test written by
TwelveFloorsUp on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test only cuz it said i should live in philadelphia, baltimore. HA! too bad i live in the suburbs of philly. not in a rowhouse. i think i'll move into a rowhouse next year. yes that would be nice.