So, I haven't posted in a coons age. My life is as crazy as hell, I'm stressed out like nobody's business, and I don't see any relief in the near future.
I don't like the fact that my blog seems to be nothing more than widely spread crappy moments, but then...I don't seem to get much beyond a moderate level of content on any given day anyways.
Updates: Moved to Tulsa to give my relationship with my puppy Robert another chance. I had given my job 3 weeks notice that I would like to be transferred to a local store. Yah, lets just say that didn't turn out so hot and I am currently still commuting to Stillwater after 2 months as I can't find any other work. Also on job notes, Robert was laid off from his job. Weeee, fun stuff buddy!
With the move came problems integrating all our dogs into one household. We started having issues with my 8 1/2 yr old husky mix, Tipper, making messes in the apartment and also displaying some aggressive tendencies that hadn't been an issue before. After 2 altercations we decided to take him to his vet to see if there were any medical reasons for the sudden increase in aggression. The night before I took him in Robert mentioned noticing that Tipper had been going up the stairs slower. The exam and following x-rays turned out to show that he had 4 vertebrae that were starting to bridge and calcify, essentially fusing themselves. He was diagnosed with hip dysplasia as well. And we wondered why he was starting to get all pissy, hmmm. Temporary fix is that Tipper is staying with my mom while we get him started on glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM and also some daily baby aspirin. He seems to be doing a bit better now, but... I miss my baby dog. *cries*
Work has been even more hellacious since they know I am looking for other work. I recently started reorganizing and alphabetizing vendors and styles in a shoe stockroom at work because I couldn't locate the shoes for customers. Turns out the manager of that department saw what I had been working on after 2 weeks and summarily yelled at me for "messing up" the stock room. I was told in no uncertain terms that I am not to work in the stock room if I am covering shoes, that I should only serve customers. *boggle* Why can we never get good employees I wonder?? I guess laziness is the new fad? Heaven forbid someone take initiative and do work on their own, or hell, work period. *gasp*
This brings us to more lovely family good luck, or utter lack thereof. Got news
yesterday that my 80+ yr old Grandma fell and hurt her hip and knee in the kitchen the other day. This also apparently stressed her out enough that her blood pressure elevated enough to cause some heart issues. Weee, when my family bungles it up, we bungle it up but good. She's looking at 6 months of recovery if all goes well with surgery.
Last but not least... needless to say I am already way stressed out... me and Robert take the dogs for an evening walk. As we get close to the dog walking area I notice one of the other dog owners out. A dog that happened to have a bit of an issue with my dog Bunji this morning.I told Robert I would take Bunji another way while he walked his dog. Too late. The other dog saw Bunji and charged. After several attempts of biting his neck and lots of screams from me we managed to separate them. No damage thankfully, but I lost it none the less. Bunji is one of those "last links" from my little brother who was his original owner. The thought of losing him kinda sends me off kilter.
I finished Bunji's walk, Robert got back with his dog, I wrapped my arms around him and promptly started crying. He had the "oh hell, whats up with the water works?" reaction. I just told him I didn't know, but I just needed to be held for a bit. He took it reasonably well. Straw that broke the camel's back I guess?
My Dad keeps telling me that life is a roller coaster, and it doesn't stop till you die. I can't keep from asking every time if I could at least get off the multiple loop model and get on the kiddy coaster. :-/
I hope all of you peeps have been fairing better than I. Peace out for now.