1. i love lanna BUNNY. she has found inner peace, and i hope she keeps it, especially thru this coming weekend. she deserves so much better. she deserves love and support and as much unconditional giving as she herself gives to those she loves. now, if a certain someone could (and wanted to) step up to this task, i will accept and approve of said
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Comments 8
" i have a headache. i have had a headache every day for about two weeks now. i'm going to cry. it hurts. oh, and i've had about 4 migraines in the last two weeks, on top of the headaches."
I totally feel you on that. I'm sitting here with a headache, and not much I can do about it. :(
how long have you been getting chronic headaches? it is kind of considered it's own "disease" separate from migraines. called chronic daily headache, or transformed migraine (if it's because you had migraines and started getting the headaches daily). i've been dealing with this for about a year and a half, hospitilaztions for it and everything. so if you need advice or just support on this, i've been there. hell, i still AM there.
what meds do you take for your migraines/headaches? i've tried many and am (as you've read in my post) interested in medicine, so maybe i can offer advice on that too.
anyway! i'm a nut. ok. yeah, now i'm going to check out your journal, because you love supertramp. ;)
I really like Advil Migraine. I've been prescribed Imitrex samples, but I haven't had the chance to take one yet. I'm wearing on headache meds... I have a high tolerance to painkillers, and feel drunk when I take those... I'm afraid the head stuff won't help.
I don't want decapitation... I'll just exchange mine for a better model. My supervisor was saying that there's a head store (not to be confused with head shop) online somewhere. I have yet to find it. :)
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