Dear Kubo-san,
You know that thing you did in the last Bleach chapter? Stop it, stop it right friggin now! I don't know if you missed the memo, but see, the good guys are supposed to win, not get holes in their chests and lose their arms. Next chapter, there had better be soon arm regrowage, or I'll have to come down over there and strangle you! And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
~An avid Bleach reader who is losing her faith in the good guys
P.S. - Tell Orihime to grow a friggin pair and learn how to fight on her own and stop relying on said good guys all the time. That's why they keep getting holes in their chests and lose their arms!
And why do I have no Bleach icons to show this WTFery?
On another note, Spring Break has begun and I'm going home for a whole week! I haven't seen home in nine weeks, so I can't wait to get there so I can see my cats and eat my weight in crawfish!