So I am working on something for an LJ fan community of my kboy band. We are collectively making Mixed Cd's for the boys in the group and sending it to them. Each member in the band will get their own CD with about 14 tracks and each member of the community gets to dedicate a song to one of the boys and make a page in a CD booklet with a message to the boy. I am incharge of the artwork. Basically I have to design the front and back cover, design pages for people who cant do it themselves, and assist people whenever needed. NEways
I finally finished the front and back cover. I feel semi accomplish and semi failure. I just lack any kind of creativity and coming up with anything innovative in my design is like pulling teeth. So here's my best shot:
Basically the right half is gonna be the front cover and the left half is gonna be the back. I can still reverse it so it's vice versa. I cant decide which would make a better front cover. I like the hill part but when it prints out its very dark and i want the front cover to be bright and to pop. What do you think?
I still dont know what i should put for title text for the CD... Does anyone have an ideas? ¦¬X I only have lame ideas like "Yunho's Mixed cd made by fans" or "Songs dedicated to Yunho by Fans" and other lame stuff along those lines. Does anyone have anything better? I think just about anything is better than that.
I'm not fishing for compliments i swear... I just need some suggestions.
xXx oOo