look how well im doing!!!
Population Demographics
CBR-Crude Birth Rate, Number out of 1000
CDR-Crude Death Rate, Number out of 1000
NRI- Natural Rate of Increase, CBR -CDR as a %
Difference between fertility and mortality
Stage 1 - CDR = CBR, both high, no current countries
Stage 2 - CBR= high, CDR, decreasing, Zambia, Congo, most of Africa
Stage 3 - CBR= decreasing CDR= low, India, Peru, lots of South America, Mexico
Stage 4 - CDR=CBR, both low, United States, Finland, Sweden
Stage 5 - Not yet an official stage, CBR is less than CDR, Germany,
Lifespan- Number of years a person lives, generally increases, higher in developed countries-about 70 and about 50 in developing countries
Highest in Japan
Simon-No limit to human growth
Ehrlich-There’s no room for all these people
Be nice to the world because otherwise you will lower the carrying capacity
Pronatal-Encourages births,
Germany’s baby bonuses and paid maternity leaves
Antinatal-discourages births,
China’s one child policy,
Economic benefits for families with fewer children,
Discounted medical care
Better Housing or limiting size of houses
Extra food
Access to, education about and willingness to use free contraception
Population pyramids
Cohort-One bar on a population pyramid
Sex ratio-males to females
Age dependency ratio-Ratio of people who have to be supported to people who generate income and care for them
Demographic momentum-what direction is the country going in
TFR-Total fertility rate, average children per women, 3.3 world wide
Growth=Birth-Death over total population
To make the J curve an s curve, lower births
Factors affecting fertility
Culture--Some encourage large families
Infant morality--if more children die, parents have more children to reach the number they want
Education-- more leads to fewer children
Status of women-- women don’t get to choose and if they did there would be fewer children
Reproductive technologies
-Surrogate Mothers
-Fertility Drugs
-Artificial insemination
-Sperm banks
-Menopause prevention
-Sperm from dead people
Birth control--needs access, knowledge and willingness
Religion--UN Conference on population development, pope and Muslim leaders doesn’t want birth control or abortion mentioned, tried to ruin the conference