Toxic Waste
Niagara Falls, NY
Hooker Chemical Company disposed of 22,000 tons of hazardous waste in the 3000 foot long cannel
Lots of miscarriage 1977-78
Love Canal
1970’s toxic waste awareness
CERCLA, comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, also known as Superfund, 1980, 1986, 1990
To clean up existing problems
Remove everything bad, very expensive
Funded by taxpayers and people responsible for waste
Makes other companies nervous about polluting
$16.3 billion
Takes a long time on each project which is bad because it takes up time for other ones
By 1995, 1,225 areas require assistance from Superfund
1,387 by 1996
Lots of military areas are Superfund sites
75% of superfund is legal enforcement
No money goes to human compensation
Creates a paper trail to monitor waste, aim is to eliminate illegal and improper disposal
HAZMAT regulations
1982 Train wreck hazardous mysterious materials into creek, train driver didn’t know what it was
Signs with codes for types of hazardous waste all over trucks carrying things
Make toxic waste less dangerous
Chemical technologies
Lawrence Livermore Lab
Bacteria that decompose the toxicity
Takes longer
Pollutants deeper in soil than roots can reach
Genetic engineering
Better storage
Certain secure landfills
Thick clay liners
15 in United States
No one wants to live close to them
Reduce stream by
Waste Reclamation Lab
Appearance Solution Foil
Blue shiny and silver
Gray Red and dull
Amomia, no color
Very effective, no colorà not toxic
Turned it into copper metal
Basically, toxic into nontoxic and useful material