oy sruveys

Mar 13, 2004 00:01

.001. ] Name: Kiki
.002. ] Gender: Female
.003. ] Age: 20
.004. ] Birthday: 11/22
.005. ] Height: 5'3"ish
.006. ] Hair color: Brown
.007. ] Eye color: brow
.008. ] Race: european
.009. ] Is your hair long or short: mm it is short and im gettign it cut yet again tomorrow..
.010. ] Repping: ATL HOLLER! (haha)
.011. ] Zodiac sign: scorpio/sag
012. ] How many languages do you know: 4
.013. ] Nationality: greek-canadienne
.014. ] Piercings you have: Just my ears
.015. ] Piercings you want: Nothing
.016. ] Tattoos you have: None
.017. ] Tattoos you want: eh tinkerbell but ill never get it
.018. ] Today's date: March 13...wow taylor is almost 21
.019. ] The time: 12:18 am
» S C H O O L «
.020. ] Are you still in school: Yea - College
.021. ] Did you drop out: Nope
.022. ] Favorite grade:grade 1 and i LOVE this year. only one evil class
.023. ] Least favorite grade: 8th grade
.024. ] Favorite teacher: ms. hunt, dr. miller and prof. cohen.
.025. ] Least favorite teacher: roberge
.026. ] Favorite subject: screenwriting
.027. ] Least favorite subject: Science
.028. ] Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: Both, Depending on what I felt like doing lol
.029. ] Play any sports on the school's team: On the school teams, No
.030. ] Are/were you popular: eh of course...everyone knows me

» F A V O R I T E «
.032. ] Number: 3
.033. ] Clothing brand: I dunno
.034. ] Shoes: my black chucks
.035. ] Saying: geez
.036. ] TV show: Fthe oc and friends
.037. ] Sport: football
.038. ] Vegetable: Potato
.039. ] Fruit: Watermelon,
.040. ] Movie: i am sam, my big fatgreek wedding, pd
.041. ] Magazine: CosmoGIRL!
.042. ] Candy: lots
.043. ] Gum: Orbit and juicy fruit red
.046. ] Color: pink
.047. ] Season: Spring
.048. ] Holiday: Christmas
.050. ] Thing in your room: my desk
.051. ] Bands: Hanson, Rooney, Phantom Planet, the beatles, Maroon5, Michelle Branch,
.052. ] Books: HP books
.053. ] TV channel: nbc, fox (only for the oc and craked up)
.054. ] Junk food: covnerse and steve madden
.057. ] Fast food: wendys and chickfila
.058. ] Restaurant: moes, chilis (haha dice) amd um yeah
.059. ] Shape: Hearts & Stars
.063. ] Boys name: thomas, matthew, alexander, christopher
.064. ] Girls name: Kallie
.065. ] Mall: Roosevelt Field
.066. ] Car: Mine :o) RAV4
.067. ] Word: Princess, Bubbles, Dude, Star, & etc...
.068. ] Month: may
.069. ] Disney character: tink..duh
» T H I S OR T H A T «
.071. ] Rock or rap: Rock
.072. ] Rock or pop: Rock
.073. ] Rock or r&b: Rock
.074. ] Rap or pop: Pop
.075. ] Rap or r&b: R&B
.076. ] Rap or metal: neither
.077. ] Pop or r&b: Pop
.078. ] Pop or metal: pop.
.079. ] r&b or metal: neihter
.080. ] Selena or J.Lo: selena
.081. ] Hot or cold: Depends
.082. ] Winter or summer: Summer
.083. ] Spring or fall: Spring
.084. ] Shakira or Britney: neihter
.085. ] MTV or VH1: much music
.086. ] Football or basketball: football
.087. ] Skiing or snowboarding: snowboarding
.088. ] Rollerblading or skateboarding: Rollerblading since I've never skate boarded
.089. ] Black or white: Black
.090. ] Orange or red: Umm...Red, but they're both cool
.091. ] Yellow or green: yellow
.092. ] purple or pink: Pink,
.093. ] Inside or outside: if its sunny and breezy..outside
.094. ] Weed or alcohol: Neither
.095. ] Cell phone or pager: Cell phone
» H A V E / W O U L D Y O U E V E R . . «
.102. ] Pictured your crush naked?: Have I pictured it? Of course :o)
.103. ] Actually seen your crush naked: No
.104. ] Been in love: Ehh...not really
.105. ] Cried when someone died: Of course
.106. ] Drank alcohol: Yea, but not a lot
.107. ] Lied: Yea, everyone's lied at points in their lives
.116. ] Told the person you liked how you felt: it's really hard
.126. ] Been to a concert: Duh...All the time
.127. ] Been to another country: yeah
.128. ] Talked back to an adult: Yea, My parents
.129. ] Got pulled over: Nope, I would cry if I did lol
.130. ] Got in a car accident: Sorta...Hardly though
.134. ] Tried to kill yourself: No
.135. ] Cried to get out of trouble: Probably

» Y E S OR N O «
.195. ] Are you a vegetarian: No
.199. ] Do you write poetry: Yes
.200. ] Are you a fast runner: short distance yes
.201. ] Can you ski: Ha, No
.202. ] Are you British: No
.203. ] Are you straight: Yes
.205. ] Are you fat: Not fat, but not skinny
.208. ] Do you own a hot pink shirt: duh
.210. ] Are you evil: Nah
.212. ] Am I annoying you: Not yet
» P R I V A T E «
.139. ] Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: No :*(
.140. ] Do you have a crush: slightly...i think a certain someone is quite hot
.141. ] Do you love anyone right now: My family & friends, but not a guy
.153. ] Do you go by looks or personality: Personality mostly, but I have to be attracted to the guy
.159. ] Beer good or beer bad: Bad, I don't drink it, but that's just me....

» W H A T D I D Y O U D O «
.215. ] Last birthday: Went to dinner
.216. ] Yesterday: Umm...Went to Ikea to look for furniture for my room and that's about it lol
.217. ] Last weekend: work
.218. ] Christmas: montreal
.219. ] Thanksgiving: went to chris and christines
.220. ] New year's: the chalet
.221. ] Halloween: hanson concert..no...candy duty
.222. ] Easter: chruch picnic thing
.223. ] Valentine's day: was a loner...no mym om made my dad and me dinner
» T H E L A S T . . «
.224. ] Thing you ate: candy
.225. ] Thing you drank: tea
.226. ] Thing you wore: pjs
.227. ] Place you went: Umm...target...no chris and christines
.233. ] Song you heard: blueside
» N O W «
.237. ] What are you eating: Nothing
.238. ] What are you drinking: Nothing
.239. ] What are you wearing: I just said above ^^^
.240. ] Any shoes on: Nope
.241. ] Hair: In a high ponytail
.244. ] Are you pissed I made this so long: Nah, Just getting tired of doing it
» O P I N I O N S«
.245. ] What do you think...about pop music: It's catchy
.246. ] About boy bands: passe
.jess, lisa and frankie
» F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S «
.253. ] I want: A boyfriend
.254. ] I wish: I could lose weight
.255. ] I love: boys
.256. ] I miss: my grandparents
.257. ] I fear: death
.258. ] I hear: clicking
.259. ] I wonder: if im gonna get the itnernship
.260. ] How do you know it's love?: I'm not in love
.261. ] If you could be any kids character, who would you be: Umm...Well, not Elmo because I don't wanna be chased by kids...Umm...I dunno, something pretty and that wears a pretty dress lmao
.262. ] If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you eat: pizza
.263. ] Do you remember any of your dreams: Yea
.264. ] Do you dream in color or black and white: Color
.265. ] Do you admit when you need help with a problem: Yea
.267. ] What's your biggest fear: My loved ones dying,
268. ] Do you talk a lot: I guess so
.269. ] Are you afraid of clowns: Nah
.272. ] Can you drive: Yes
.273. ] Are you spoiled: Yea, I'm an only child
.274. ] Are you anti-social: No
.275. ] Do you see dumb people: All the time
.277. ] Any last words: Nah
.278. ] Now that this is over, what are you going to do: talk to jess
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