HOMG! Bleach chapter 223! Could Kubo be any more brilliant? I knew some off the wall suprise was coming...but I didn't expect THIS!
There's more to Soul Society!? I suppose I should have figured that out, but I really thought Central 46 was the tops lol. Besides maybe God or something. So Aizen is out for the Royal Key, so he can assasinate the King and his family. But what part do the Vaizards play? Are they gonna stop it? And why the hell is Aizen so hell bent on killing the Royal Family? Besides taking over Soul Society...which would inevitably bring about the end of the world. That can't be right. Not to mention all the theories floating around now that Ichigo and the Kurosaki family MUST be related to the Royal Family somehow. How freaking bad ass would that be? Ah yes, I miss the feeling of being mind fucked by Bleach. THANK YOU KUBO!!!!
Anyways. I had a SUPER time today! I got off at noon cause Kristina wanted to take the kiddies to the Stoney Creek Nature Trails. So I went to Rainbow to visit my old kiddies and coworkers, YAY! Since it was Easter, I got some treats too *wink wink*. Oh how I missed those crackheads! I stayed for nearly 3 hours talking and playing XD I got some Atlanta Bread Co. for lunch too! It was nice, just chillin with the girls. Found out Brenda is the new Director for good, and Diane I guess is not coming back? Which is good, cause as nice as Diane was...Brenda is the shit. Best Director we've ever had. Yes, that means cooler than Kate (Teresa is the only one who knows her haha). But she gets stuff done, she can be a bitch when it comes to getting staff to work, she gets parents motivated to do stuff for the staff, blah blah blah. Not to mention she's crazy. She comes outta the baby room today and says to me and Trisha "Sons of bitches! I hate those fucking babies." Trisha and I DIED. It was so funny. And with her New Zealand accent it sounded like she said "Sucks bitches", which made it even better lol. But anyways, got to talk to the old crew, hang with my bitch Samantha...even got to know Lauren a little better! Damn, if only she started working sooner! I only got to work with her a week (barely). She's hilarious! Almost all the kids remembered me, even if they didn't remember my name. Alex goes "OH! HI MISS ------- HEY what's your name again?" I gave him a noogie for that one lol. Jalen was SO excited to see me! Oh how I missed my baby boy! I guess Trisha's been his girlfriend while I was away...but she tested him and asked him who his girlfriend was! He pointed to me, no hesitation XD OH YEAH, JALEN STILL LOVES ME BETTER! I got to see my Mikey Lang and Emery and Audrey and Callie and Emmett (who totally gave me a dirty look when I picked him up, I guess I can't blame him since he's just a baby haha). Some random toddler girl named Mikalya totally latched onto me too. I was like, listen girl, do you see me wearing a blue shirt? I am not your caregiver. But I still kept hugging her haha. Aww I need to visit more often, it's been since February! No wonder I've been missing them! Well that's enough of that hehe.
Gotta go in at 9AM tommorrow. But I don't think I'll be working that late, it being Good Friday and all, and the Grandparents coming out to babysit at night. Today was a good day at work too. Gordon is finally getting excited about going outside, since it's been 60-80 lately! We stayed outside almost all morning, and we ended up fingerpainting out there! If you've heard of Color Wonder, holy shit whoever invented that is a bloody genius! The finger paints really did only paint on the paper! Not on fingers, clothes, table, NOTHING! That's so exciting! The colors are pretty vibrant too. Danny and Gordon LOVED it.
So, since I'm still high on Mr. Pibb (teehee), I'm gonna get some cleaning done. I think I have a sunburn from being outside all morning, cause my cheeks kinda burn. They don't look very red though? Could be from scrubbing my face more than usual I suppose. I keep breaking out, which I usually don't have a problem with.
Knives is going crazy, rolling around on top of the computer desk lol. I better go before he falls on the keyboard or something XD Maniac kitties!