Fortune Review...And Chloe's Journey...

Feb 26, 2011 13:43

Hello My fellow Chloe Lovers-

If you are on my F-List and don't love Chloe, just ignore this post LOL that's why it's behind a cut...

Fortune Review and Chloe Sullivan's Journey to Greatness: My Take

"Fortes fortuna adiuvat"

I'm a huge believer/follower of ancient Greek, Latin and Roman History and Mythology. It's just something that has always appealed to me and so this episode of Smallville had me very much remembering the above Latin Proverb.

It has quite a few translations (Fortune favors the brave, Fortune helps the brave, and Fortune favors the strong) but the translation I've always liked the best was Fortune Favors the Bold. Chloe Sullivan is a character that I grew up with, that I cried and laughed with, and that for a little while I helped define myself with. I have spent the last ten years (since I was 15) watching Smallville and though I missed seasons 7 and 8 I still consider myself a fan of Allison Mack and Chloe Sullivan.

I still remember the day they introduced this quirky girl on television and I was like dude she's awesome she totally marches to her own drummer just like me! If you've followed Smallville all these years then you've seen the heartache and pain Chloe's character has gone through. The great thing about her though is that no matter how many times she's been pushed down, never once has she given up. She has always fought for what she believed in. Always stood up for justice and truth and what she felt was the right thing to do despite her methods sometimes. Everything she has ever done has come from pure intentions. Whether it always worked out or her decisions were a mistake doesn't matter. What matters is intent...and in my eyes her intent has never faltered, it's always been good even when it was questioned.

The thing I've always liked about Chloe's character is she is never painted as this perfect person with no flaws or mistakes and personally I feel that's why so many people can identify with her. No one is perfect, and while we all try to do our best a lot of us are lost in the wind struggling to define the person we are and the person we want to become. When Chloe reemerged in Collateral, I feel like she was in the same boat as many of us.

She was struggling to define the person she's become and the person she wants to ultimately be and after everything her character's been through who can blame her? Fortune was the sum of the whole, it was all of her past decisions finally culminating into a choice that she made, not for the greater good, not for the heroes she loves, not for friends...but for her.  For once Chloe Sullivan admitted what she wanted and went out and grabbed it.

I know a lot of people don't like Chloe and Oliver together. They all  have their own reasons some say after the way things went down in season 8 it's unrealistic or some claim it doesn't fit with comic book canon, whatever the reason I respect them completely, though it's my prerogative to disagree.

I feel like it's because of all those horrible things that happened through out season 8 that they can be together. Chloe has been many things to Oliver... acquaintance, sidekick, friend, semi-enemy, lover...but in the end no one knows the recess of the darkness he's been through better than Chloe, because she had a front row seat to it. And Chloe well Oliver has been many things to her too, but I think the most important thing he's been for her is the person who sees her.

She has her own past mistakes to atone for just like he does and he accepts the darkness within her without judgement because it's something he himself has also. Whether they were fighting on screen, blackmailing each other or partaking in sexy archery lessons (you have to give me this one it's my favorite scene ever) they have always been honest. Whether it be in a cruel way or a reassuring way...they have no secrets from each other and honestly I can't think of a better start for a relationship.

To know that the person you love has seen you at  your worst point in life and still accepts you for the person you's a humbling feeling and I honestly think that's why Chloe chose Oliver and why this is the relationship that she's never questioned. Because he's seen everything she's done good or bad and he still looks at her like she's his entire world and through out the show I feel like her character has never felt that sort of acceptance from anyone before...not even fully from Clark.

I know Chloe didn't know she and Oliver were married at the time she took the job in Star City, but honestly I feel if she was ending her relationship with him she probably would have chosen a different place.

I think her choosing a job in Star City was her saying this is what I want from my life...I want to be a reporter...I want to fight truth and justice through my words, but I also want to be a part of the story...I want to help show heroes that they can be a part of something larger than themselves...I want to inspire them to be the heores the world needs and I want to do this by your side, but on my terms. Choosing Star City as her location was an Olive branch to Oliver. Her saying I finally know who I am and what I want with my life and though I'm leaving for me because I don't belong here anymore...I want you to be a part of it and this is how I'm showing you that.

As a fan of Chlollie I'm ridiculously happy that they ended up together...but as a fan of Chloe I'm more happy that she finally chose what she wanted not because it was best for the world, but because it was best for her. People might think I'm lying, but had Chloe chosen to leave without Oliver...and their story ended their I would have been sad, but if it was what her character wanted...if this was what would make her happy I would have been satisfied with that ending.

If Fortune showed us anything it showed us that Chloe finally found Chloe again. She found that girl she aspired to be and chose a destination she wanted her life to go. That was clear in her scene with Clark. She finally realized her importance and I am so happy with the scene in the barn between them. I felt like they came full-circle and Clark could finally see the entirety of the completely amazing person Chloe is and him letting her go...showing her the faith he had in the person she's become, it shows how much he's grown too. I felt the whole seen was perfect and wrapped up their friendship nicely alluding to the future and to the fact that even if she's not around she'll always be there looking out for him. It was touching and satisfying on so many levels.

So all in all I have to say though I'm still holding out hope that Allison will be in the finale (my sources say it looks promising) even if she isn't I am 100 percent happy with how they wrapped up her arc. They touched on everything and tried to give all fans of Chloe no matter the ship what they wanted.


1) They gave us touching scenes of Chloe with all characters (her speech in the beginning and the video watching at the end)
2) They gave us an amazing Chlark scene in the barn no less, where it all started.
3) We have Reporter Chloe back
4) We have badass Justice League Chloe recruiting superheros around the world (with alluding to Batman and Wonder Woman)
5) And finally we have Chloe happy, in love and married to someone who "sees" the person she is and loves her for it. Despite who it is to for those of you who don't ship Chlollie.

All in all I say that's a pretty terrific ending for our heroine of the story...leading me back to my beginning quote, "Fortes fortuna adiuvat"  Fortune favors the Bold. Every move Chloe Sullivan has ever made has been bold, daring, and full of adventure whether or not they turned out good or bad.  And though she's been through her enormous shares of ups and downs...fortune was apparently on her side. :-)

Hats off to the writers and to Allison Mack who's taken this character from a nothing and made her into a character that women all over the world can be proud of and look up to. Cheers 


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