(no subject)

Jun 18, 2005 23:15

Well, today was great. I loved the grad parties I went to, starting with andrew's. I got to see a lot of my good friends there... a win-win situation. His family was really nice and to be honest, I felt just as comfortable with them as I'll feel at my party. It was very nice because I got to see some people I usually never see. I haven't seen derek for a long time... hope he's the same one from Whitmore that I remember. Andrew's friend Justin is totally cool too, so I'll have to keep talking to him. Away to Megan's party at what... 2:30

Well, I should have gotten there before 3... but my mother was being a pain and wouldn't get out of the bathroom... won't even go there. So, I got there around 3:30 which was fine. The food was really really good, I love mexican food! Talking to her was nice... and I found out that I got screwed over at the awards thing. Jackass failed to notice that I have above a 3.0 career. I should have a 3.5 now thank you very much... Anyways, I had a nice time even though until Andrew and Adam got there I knew nobody. We played an interesting game, using tennis balls.. still don't know the name. Well... I played with Phil and KICKED ASS! First we beat down Andrew and Adam... then we beat Marshal and Evan, freaking awesome! We both played really well, especially since neither one of us had ever played before today. I left around what...7, I think, to play tennis by myself. I wasn't planning on going to mere's party at the time, but ended up doing it. Anyways, I hit off the wall for 40 minutes, and if you know me I'll play until I kill myself. Maybe thats why my legs feel like something chopped them off or broke them. And I served for 30 minutes, forcing myself to crush every single serve. I developed a game to work on serves that'll work for anyone with time and patience. I couldn't get up to 20 on each side mainly because I got bored. But it requires you to hit every serve at max... no pansy crap for me! And you have to hit second serves until one goes in... eventually you have to start running to the net if you are really that bad and don't seem to learn the importance of focus on every single serve. Sound abusive huh? Just try it.... its fun! *mumbles under breath* And I went back to Megan's around 8:30 to find Dana! The crazy drill sargent with a bike...

Well, after talking for about a half hour I'd guess, she decided it was time to go to Mere's. I ran home, took 2 500 mg pain pills in hope of reviving my legs and wrist, which feel really sore btw. I'm not riding a bike with her again... she's insane. I don't think she is that much faster than I am normally, but today.. thats not even funny. I'm taking pain reliever just to make it there and we go as fast as possible for someone who can't move. Well it really isn't a big deal... but we made it to Mere's house within like 5 minutes. There I found a lot of people I like talking to, Kate... Evan.... and guess who? Say it and you're dead btw... but it was very nice. I talked to a lot of people, including Marshal and Kristy Thomas who I've never talked to... lol. Then I sat down next to leah and talked to her a little bit, and looked at pictures on her cell phone, you can laugh all you want at that... losers. But it was very nice and rather special for me.... it just shows how much better I am at talking to people since I started talking to dana. And damn this is taking a long time to type and think about, must be fun to read... lj cut! Well, after several hours I thanked Mere for inviting me... and said bye to dana, evan, and lindsay simply because my body hurt tooo much, and guess what? It doesn't feel any better with all this damn typing! I had a great night though, hanging out with most of my friends... and talking to people I wish were my friends. Had some great conversations... and wasn't "clingy"... at least I expect to hear that... lol. Oh and Evan, I didn't talk to dana and leah all night... actually passed tonight! ;p

grad parties

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