Title: Temptation Waits
Pairing: Don/Charlie
Warnings: Incest.
Rating/Category: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: None
Summary: No one can resist forever.
Notes: Title nabbed from
Garbage. Written for the Resistance challenge at
There's a white stain on your cheek when you come in for dinner; you lick your thumb and rub the chalk away, slow, slick circles that I trace with my eyes (my fingers, my mouth, if only--).
The chalk is long gone as you complete another circle of lick, rub, slide, and my gaze clings to your naked skin.
Your smile is pure invitation when your eyes meet mine across the room, and perhaps this is the last time that I'll look away, pretend I didn't see, tell myself I'll never give in to--
You (my brother, my temptation).