...Especially when faced with an hour of Australian Idol.
So, first week of year 12 has come, and gone...*sigh* I'm trying to turn over a new leaf if you will, and work hard this year, but I doubt it'll last very long. I almost died today with an 8-hour day. Extension is ganna suck, I can feel it in my bones...
I'm really tired already, after only
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Comments 2
OH, you know what i realised. If i had of been doing the HSC this year, right.. i would have had english on friday and monday.. drama on tuesday.. and ancient history on wednesday. *chokes* i hope its a bit more spaced out.
But i'm also freaking out.. because this years englihs paper, for their creative writing task they got a story. Which might mean we won't get a story! Which means l'm screwed!
I freaked out and decided i should be studying already, then realised that i didn't have anything to study and l'd just forget it anyway.
So just generally freaked out. Especially about major works.
Life doesn't seem too bad for you. :p
3 a's isn't that bad. :p We don't get A's and B's anymore.. we get 'excellents' and 'goods' and we get 3 of them for eeach subject.. sigh.
I'm gonna go to bed. Seeya on the flip side.
Yeah I had similar 'freak out' moment. We got these sheets for ext english about doing summaries every fortnight, and i freaked out 'cause i hadn't doe one, then i realised we hadn't started on any of our texts yet, and it had only been a day since we'd got it:P
Oh mrs stevens is making me so nervous and crap about drama ip..She's like pressuring majorly..
Not too bad! I'm just trying not to complain, seeing as i'm banned from whinging when near mrs stevens.
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