don't judge.

Mar 21, 2010 20:41

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Post your results.
1) How many monkeys could triphicus fight at once and win against? 7...12million
2) Have you ever dated the_new_lemon? not that I know of.
3) How long have you known zentiger? do I know him?
4) What animal does the_new_lemon remind you of? ferret
5) What comic book character would anosognosia be? Scarecrow
6) If anosognosia took over the world, who would be happy? uhhh, Canada. Oh, and maybe triphicus
7) Do you have a crush on anosognosia? uh oh.
8) If sarahshotmama and anosognosia were siamese twins where would they be joined? well, that would introduce all kinds of weird problems
9) Does sarahshotmama smoke? does smokin' hot count?
10) Where was the_new_lemon born? Virginia
11) Would vox_diabolica be a better ninja or pirate? pirate
12) What would anosognosia give sarahshotmama for his/her birthday? what is the deal with these two???
13) Is vox_diabolica popular? in my pants!
14) How would anosognosia kill sarahshotmama? what?!?! didn't he just give her a birthday gift?? And aren't they siamese twins???
15) Does sarahshotmama go to your school? yup
16) Where would vox_diabolica most like to visit? I thought he was coming to the states to see me?!?!
17) If triphicus were hanging off a cliff, what would jesusbranded do? did essius write this quiz?
18) Is anosognosia a college student? yes
19) Is sarahshotmama related to vox_diabolica? probably not
20) zentiger's hair color? blondish brown?
21) What languages does the_new_lemon speak? code
22) If anosognosia and jesusbranded were spliced together, what would it be like? huh?
23) Does zentiger have a dog? probably
24) Would you set up zentiger and jesusbranded? she's taken
25) Would you wrestle vox_diabolica in jello? absolutely.
26) Would you make out with anosognosia? uh oh.
27) Would you ever date triphicus? if i were a dude
28) When did you last call jesusbranded? don't have her #
29) What is vox_diabolica's shoe size? probably pretty big
30) Does anosognosia have a big secret? uh oh.
31) What is zentiger's favorite color? orange?
32) What animal should vox_diabolica be combined with? wolverine
33) One thing you can't stand about vox_diabolica? that he lives soooo far away
34) How tall is triphicus? 5' 8
35) Where was jesusbranded born? west virginia
36) Do sarahshotmama and anosognosia go to the same school? aren't they siamese twins
37) Thoughts on triphicus? I love her
38) Is zentiger friends with jesusbranded? maybe
39) What is vox_diabolica's favorite game? trolling?
40) Is vox_diabolica dead sexy? how did you know?
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