Rules & Categories.

Feb 05, 2009 20:18

--Eligible videos include those posted in the Sylar/Elle community between January 1, 2008 and January 31, 2009
-- As tempting as it is, please find work other than your own to nominate.
--You can nominate one video for each category.
-- An author can have more than one video nominated as long as it isn't in the same category (Ex: Syelle has a video nominated in Most Original Song Choice and Comedy- that is fine - Syelle can't have two videos in Comedy)
-- If someone nominates an author for a category that they already have a nomination in, the author must choose which video they want to be in the category.
-- If a video fits more than one category, it can go in both categories.
-- All categories are open to any rating and any style.
-- Nominated authors will receive a comment at their LJ notifying them of their nomination.
-- Authors that have been nominated but do not want to participate can have their videos pulled - just contact one of the maintainers!

*IMPORTANT*: We repeat, videos must have been posted at sylarelle to be nominated, with the exception of the Out of Community category.

descriptions are located beneath the cut.


For the videos filled with drama, heartbreak, and nearly brings you to tears

Videos that make you go "aww" and leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling

Boom! For videos that feature heroes doing what they do best...showcasing their abilities!

The videos that made your day because it was so much fun to watch and kept you laughing.

Character Studies: Sylar/Gabriel and Elle
Videos that focus on one or the other character. Two subcategories, one for each of the crazy kids we love.

Alternate Univerise. The same characters we know and love but in a different world

Videos that gave you the shivers...but in a good way!

Videos that pertained to one episode

Most Original Song Choice
A song that none of us would have really thought to use before

Best Video Manips
Footage put together that made you wish it was canon!

Best Use of Non-Heroes footage
Incorporating clips from other shows and fitting it seemlessly into Heroes verse

Best Image / Rhythm Sync
The beat of the music and the video clips/images go together oh so well.

Best Use of Dialogue
Sometimes pesky dialogue can ruin a video but other times, they enhance the video. This award is for those times.

Best Use of Song
The footage and the lyrics of the song go together perfectly.

Best Storytelling
The story tells itself that we don't even need an author's note to figure out what's going on.

Most Creative
Videos that made you go "wow!, I've never seen anything like that before."

Outside of Community:Sylar/Elle and Zach/Kristen
A video hosted on youtube, photobucket, yahoo, metacafe, etc that wasn't posted at sylarelle. We have two subcategories for this, one for Sylar/Elle videos and one for Zach/Kristen videos (we know those exist!).

categories, !modpost, rules

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