Title: Yin and Yang
Pairing: Hyukjae/Kyuhyun
Genre: AU, romance, fluff
Rating: G
Summary: Kyuhyun and Hyukjae are opposites, but not in conflict; they fit together in complementary harmony like Yin and Yang.
Note: Written as a request for
FYSJS 1. Yin: Darkness, night-time, cold.
It was three in the morning and Kyuhyun had yet to go to bed. His shoulders and hands were cold, and there was a blanket over his lap, but he didn't have the will to do anything about it, his entire being focused on his Starcraft game. The only light in the room was his computer screen, which seemed blinding in the darkness to Hyukjae's freshly-woken eyes.
"Kyu, what time is it?"
"No idea."
"Ugh," Hyukjae rolled over, pulled the pillow over his head and went back to sleep.
Yang: Brightness, day-time, hot.
Hyukjae woke up early, as he usually did in summer, and carefully got out of bed so as not to wake the sleeping Kyuhyun, who had spent the entire night with his stupid computer games, as he always did in summer. He showered, dressed and left, leaving a note on the nightstand:
Dancing - be back later. Don't sleep too long!
He spun, he dropped, his limbs moved in sharp, accurate synchrony. Dance was his form, his outlet, his life. The top of the dance studio walls were ringed with windows, and bright, natural, summer light mingled with the fluorescents in the space. The air conditioner was fully functional but Hyukjae was still sweating, moving with the speed and fluidity that brought about his happiness.
2. Yin: Negative, slowness
Kyuhyun scowled at the TV, wrapped in a blanket despite the warmth of the weather outside. His eyes were puffy and there was a painful rash on his upper lip. He sniffed.
"Hyukjae!" he yelled and Hyukjae came running from the kitchen (where he had been attempting soup), looking frazzled and armed with a fresh box of tissues.
"Yes, Kyu?"
Kyuhyun sank further down into his blanket. "I'm miserable."
Hyukjae sighed and stroked his hair. "Sucks being sick, doesn't it?"
"Yes," Kyuhyun growled, tentatively patting cream onto the rash under his running nose.
Yang: Positive, restless
Hyukjae bounced on his seat, utterly bored. Kyuhyun had said he would be back in three hours, an hour ago. There was nothing to do. Nothing. Hyukjae had said he would wait.
He stood up, circled the room, sat back down, stood up again, wandered to the kitchen, ate a banana, threw away the skin.
"ARGH!" he yelled, snapped the leash onto his dog and went for a walk.
3. Yin: Thinking
"I don't understand you, you know," Hyukjae shook his head while Kyuhyun sat at his desk, poring over math. For fun.
"Okay," Kyuhyun replied without looking up, "I don't really understand you and your physical exercise either. I'm much happier gaining satisfaction from working this stuff out than getting all sweaty."
Yang: Doing
Hyukjae frowned. "What goes on in your head?"
"More than what goes on in yours," Kyuhyun grinned and Hyukjae slapped the back of his skull.
"I'm going to dance," Hyukjae announced.
Kyuhyun shuddered. "Voluntarily going out to exert energy and get all sweaty in the middle of summer - what goes on in your head, Hyuk?"
4. Yang: Fire
It was a beautiful night as the two of them spent time together on the beach. Hyukjae was next to the driftwood fire that glowed green, staying warm and toasting marshmallows. He looked out to sea and admired the shape of the cove's landscape, silhouetted against the moonlight, the shadows in the sand. The waves lapped against the shore, but he was perfectly content to sit there and watch while-
Yin: Water
Kyuhyun splashed around in the shallows, paying no attention to the seaweed that brushed against his legs. He knew Hyukjae was behind him, watching him, waiting for him, but he didn't want to go back quite yet. They had the whole night. The moonlight caused pretty dips and shadows on the surface of the water, glowed in the white of the foam that sailed on the tips of waves.
It was a clear night and he looked up, catching sight of the stars and standing there for a long time, mesmerized by the tiny pinpricks of light.
5. Yin and Yang: Although opposites, Yin and Yang are not in conflict with one another.
"What time is it?" Hyukjae mumbled as Kyuhyun climbed into bed next to him.
"Quarter to four," Kyuhyun whispered back.
"About time," Hyukjae huffed, drowsily clinging onto Kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun smiled and snuggled back. "Hyuk?"
"I love you."
"Love you too, Kyu."