i havent written in this thing for a while i'll tell you guys whatever..
Fridayso i decided to skip school with ashley, charles, jeffrey, freddy, gay juan, straight juan, turtlez, mangie, chocolate (eric),jerson, carlos..and umm i think that's it..so yeah i'll tell whoever cares what happened..
so i met up with ashley, gay juan, mangie, and coco in the front of the escuela. we were getting a ride from one of juan's friends. so we told her to meet us at the end of the school in her bang bus-looking van. we didnt make it that far before we saw her and charles and jeffrey were already in the van. so we get in and head off to carlos's casa when we see staight juan at the corner we call him up and he gets in..continuing we find jerson and in order for him to fit in juan had to get out..once he gets out and is about to get back in it turns ouit that his mama was the car right behind us..so we havent even been together for like 5 min when someone alrady got caught >.< but his mom was cool about it and let him go..lol
so we get dropped off like a block away from his house..we send jeff and jerson to see if his dad was still home and they saw him turn a corner to go to work..so we are now on our way to carlos's house when all of them run inside his backyard..me ashley and turtle were behind so we didnt go as fast, luckily cause as soon as we were about to walk on his yard his dad decideds he's gunna pull into the drive way..lmao..so yeah they all jump the fence and we run..then we un into freddy..and after a couple of minutes we start to walk back after his dad throws a fucking episode.. so once we are about to turn his corner again a fucking cop comes..so we all dip and are running around when he turnes the other direction..lmao x2
so we decide that its really dangerous haha and go to chill at the lake..we all chipped in money for the liquor..so jeff's cousin comes to pick him up to take him to the quicky..we decide to go back to carlos's house..lol..we could only stay there for a couple of hours now so we were just gunna watch TV, eat his food, and order a pizza then out..well we lost track of time and at about 11:30 we all hear the door..it's his momma. so everyone once again runs and scatters..i thought about my shit which was in his room so thats where i ran along with straight juan, mangie, and gay juan. straight juan ran into one corner of the closet as i followed..then gay juan comes so itsthe three of us stuck in one fucking corner the size of a school desk..how..i dont know..we yeah after about 5 minutes she leaves..so its now me, both juans, mangie and carlos (now busted twice) while everyoine else left the house..freddy had everyone's money for the pizza and left..im still pissed. so yeah we call them up and some guy is talking on their fones and we thought it was a bum..but...no it was a fucking DT and they had just gotten caught..lmao so yeah charles, freddy and jerson got kicked out of school, while everyone else got 2 days of CSI..it sucks..charles came back to school though..his mommy came..which by the way he wants me to write that im gunna give him a bj feb 13 05'..lmao (not true ;) )and yeah well that was my frieday..any questions??..lol
Saturday i went out to denny's with my family when i told my mom my life plan.. which is to drop out of school become a gang member, and sell drugs, and still be living with her and if not i'll run away and often come back for food..anyone wanna join??
and Sunday pretty much sucked for me..i think my mom took me serously and so she took me to the mall and bought me some stuff..lol
i should tell her im running away more often
well yeah thats all i feel bad for anyone who actualy sat there and read everything that i had to say :)
i love you guys <3