Jeff Healey died two days ago in St. Josephs Hospital in TO. He was 41 years old and died of cancer. I'm floored and mildly confused as I didn't hear anything about it until today by my mother. Otherwise, I would've been oblivious. I'm aware that he wasn't exactly "popular" anymore, but come on. Mom sees a blurb on tv about it and only figures
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Wow, Canada. You almost make me want to watch the Junos again... for the music, even. Crazy. There's some almost quasi decent shit in there, isn't there. Definitely some creative bullshit this year, hmm
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I was gonna rant about my disappointment in the world, but it's too depressing right now and really, in the end very much pointless. So... *listens to sad music instead.*
I dislike the fact that LJ tells you on that front page thing now that you haven't updated in x amount of weeks. I know that before it told you on your ui page, but you had to look for it. Here it's staring you in the face and I feel guilty because of it. I don't need to know that I haven't updated in five weeks. It never mattered to me before
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The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell! Here is how you matched up against all the levels: LevelScorePurgatory (Repenting Believers)Very LowLevel 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)LowLevel 2 (Lustful)HighLevel 3 (Gluttonous)ExtremeLevel 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very HighLevel 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very HighLevel 6
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Read: Long and/or slept through. I slept far too much the other day (approximately 2pm-7am the next morning when my alarm screaming at me finally managed to make it's way through the fog of my brain enough for me to realise that I do indeed have to wake up to go to work.) To make up for it, apparently my brain decided to wake up around nine this
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"well, goin away has caused with my sleeping pattern, just need to falll for someone."
Being subconsciously dumped through half asleep cracked email without even the person that wrote it noticing until you point it out to them? Priceless.
Apparently I have 999 characters and don't like AIM rping. Who knew. I mean, I knew about the 999 characters, but... wow, all this time I've been RPing over AIM and I didn't even like it?? Why didn't anyone inform me?? I hate finding out things about me five years too late.